Do You Want to Be Healed?

‘Jesus said…“Pick up your mat and walk.”’ John 5:8 NIV Jon Walker writes, ‘Long ago… I was diagnosed with clinical depression and began the hard work of deep, lasting, in-Jesus recovery. One day Jesus asked me, “Do you want to be healed?”… It seemed like such a...

How to Have a Personal Revival (2)

‘...Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.’ Psalm 80:18 NKJV AW Tozer’s remaining five steps to personal revival are: (6) Bring your life into accord with such Scriptures as are designed to instruct us in the way of righteousness. An honest man with an open...

How to Have a Personal Revival (1)

‘...Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.’ Psalm 80:18 NKJV The Psalmist prayed, ‘Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.’ Almost a century ago, AW Tozer wrote down ten steps that lead to personal revival. Some of the language may be outdated, but the...

God Will Surprise You

‘See, I am doing a new thing...’ Isaiah 43:19 NIV Can you imagine Moses’ surprise when God talks to him from a burning bush? As doors shut without explanation, Paul is surprised by a man from Macedonia calling to him in a vision: ‘...come over here and help us.’ (Acts...


‘...Samson went down...’ Judges 14:1 NKJV Samson lost everything for several reasons. First, wrong relationships. When God says ‘no’ to a relationship It’s not to punish you, He’s being protective. ‘But I feel so good when I’m with them,’ you say. God sees where the...

Is there a better way?

‘I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians 3:14 NKJV We must never stop asking, ‘Is there a better way?’ You can’t pray for progress and at the same time fight change. In 1829, Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York,...

Become a better listener

‘...Be quick to listen, slow to speak...’ James 1:19 NLT Want to become a good leader? Become a good listener! Here are two stories of what happens when we don’t take time to listen. The first is from a young woman hurt by a manager who didn’t listen: ‘We expected he...

Putting God’s Kingdom First (2)

‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else...’ Matthew 6:33 NLT As you read the following nine qualities, ask yourself, ‘Do these things show in my life today? Am I developing these fruits so I can be trusted with greater responsibility for the advancement of God’s...

Putting God’s Kingdom First (1)

‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else...’ Matthew 6:33 NLT What does it mean to put God’s Kingdom first in your life? Read these 12 things carefully (from Matthew’s Gospel - New Living Translation) then ask, ‘How do I measure up?’ (1) Obedience to God ‘...anyone who...

Be Led by God, Not Others (2)

‘...led by the Spirit of God...’ Romans 8:14 NKJV God will help you to be all you can be, but He will never help you to be somebody else. When you try to be somebody else, you lose yourself in the process. God wants us to fit into His plan, not give in to pressure and...

Most Recent Devotional Readings

Don’t give up on your Saul

‘Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for…Saul, for he is praying.’ Acts  9:11 NIV Has everyone else written off your Saul? ‘He is too far gone.’ ‘He is too hard, too addicted, too old, too cold.’ Joseph believed one day he would be reunited with the...

Jangan menyerah pada Saulus Anda

‘Pergilah ke jalan yang bernama Jalan Lurus, dan carilah di rumah Yudas seorang dari Tarsus yang bernama Saulus. Ia sekarang berdoa.’ Kisah Para Rasul 9:11 Apakah semua orang telah menghapus Saulus Anda? ‘Dia terlalu jauh.’ ‘Dia terlalu keras, terlalu kecanduan,...

You must care for the needy (3)

‘Blessed is he who considers the poor;’ Psalm 4 1:1 NKJV In October 2022, Forbes stated there were 2,668 billionaires in the world. It’s incredible to think that one individual, let alone 2,668 individuals, can be worth billions of dollars, and yet there are billions...

Harus peduli kepada yang membutuhkan (3)

‘Berbahagialah orang yang memperhatikan orang lemah!’ Mazmur 41:2  Pada Oktober 2022, Forbes menyatakan ada 2.668 milliarder di dunia. Sungguh luar biasa untuk berpikir bahwa satu individu, apalagi 2.668 individu, dapat bernilai miliaran dolar, namun ada miliaran...

You must care for the needy (2)

‘He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well.’ Jeremiah 2 2:16 NIV When he was a theology student, Jim Wallis and some of his classmates took scissors to the Bible and cut out every verse about poverty, wealth, justice, or oppression. And would...

Harus peduli kepada yang membutuhkan (2)

‘Serta mengadili perkara orang sengsara dan orang miskin dengan adil. Bukankah itu namanya mengenal Aku? demikianlah firman TUHAN.’ Yeremia 22:16  Ketika menjadi mahasiswa teologi, Jim Wallis dan beberapa teman sekelasnya membawa gunting dan memotong setiap ayat...

You must care for the needy (1)

‘Their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.’ Acts  6:1 NIV Since the government didn’t care for widows and orphans back in New Testament times, the church took on that responsibility. Unfortunately, bias raised its ugly head, and Jewish...

Harus peduli kepada yang membutuhkan (1)

‘Pembagian kepada janda-janda mereka diabaikan dalam pelayanan sehari-hari.’ Kisah Para Rasul 6:1 Karena pemerintah tidak mempedulikan para janda dan yatim piatu pada zaman Perjanjian Baru, gereja mengambil tanggung jawab itu. Sayangnya, ada diskriminasi, para janda...

You’re a reflector

‘But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,’ 2 Corinthians  3:18 NKJV As the old saying goes, ‘You become like the company you keep.’ Paul explains it this way: ‘But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of...

Anda seorang reflektor

‘Dan kita semua mencerminkan kemuliaan Tuhan dengan muka yang tidak berselubung. Dan karena kemuliaan itu datangnya dari Tuhan yang adalah Roh, maka kita diubah menjadi serupa dengan gambar-Nya, dalam kemuliaan yang semakin besar.’ 2 Korintus 3:18  Seperti kata...