‘Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive.’ Hebrews 13:17 NKJV Until you learn to respect authority, you will never be qualified to be given any. Why? (1) Because you will have no credibility. (2) Because you won’t really understand what it means to be a...
Make The Most Of Your Time
‘Making the most of your time.’ Ephesians 5:16 NASB The life of John Wesley is a great example of the Scriptural principle ‘making the most of your time.’ He averaged three sermons a day for 54 years, preaching a total of more than 44,000 times in his life. In doing...
Forgiving Others (2)
‘Take me back so that I may come back.’ Jeremiah 31:18 NCV The Bible tells us: ‘Isaac’s servants dug… a well… But the herdsmen of Gerar quarrelled with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying, “The water is ours.” So… they dug another well, and they quarrelled over that one also......
Forgiving Others (1)
‘“I will pay them back,” says the Lord.’ Romans 12:19 NLT Long after you think you have forgiven someone, you can still be harbouring [holding onto] hard feelings. Some indicators that you still have work to do are these: you keep thinking about the person who hurt...
Adjusting Your Vision
‘My eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.’ Isaiah 6:5 NIV Before God called the prophet Isaiah to a position of leadership in the nation, He adjusted his vision. Uncorrected vision leads to skewed perspective, poor judgment, and wasted effort. Israel’s constant...
It’s A Blessing In Disguise
‘All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.’ 2 Corinthians 4:15 NIV If you’re going through a difficult time right now, let Paul’s words encourage you. ‘We are hard...
When Preparation Meets Opportunity
‘I have finished the race.’ 2 Timothy 4:7 NKJV Roman philosopher Seneca said, ‘Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.’ As you read in Scripture about the people God used to accomplish great things, you discover that much of their time was spent...
Are You Doing It For The Right Reasons?
‘He had this testimony, that he pleased God.’ Hebrews 11:5 NKJV When you grow up with rejection, it can manifest [show] itself in a need to isolate and withdraw or in a drive to constantly ‘prove yourself’. One man said it like this: ‘I can still hear my father...
Servants To God’s Will
‘As the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.’ Ephesians 6:6 KJV The word ‘servant ‘can have a negative connotation [meaning], but not in this Scripture. Knowing how pressures and people distract us from our God-given purpose, Paul uses the...
God Will Give You Another Chance
‘Turn back to Me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers.’ Jeremiah 29:12 CEV Because they disobeyed God, the Jews spent 70 years as slaves in Babylon. They lost their joy, their freedom, and their identity; all the things that make life worth living. But God...
Most Recent Devotional Readings
Dapatkan hasil maksimal dari Alkitab Anda (1)
‘Mengejarnya seperti mengejar harta terpendam.’ Amsal 2:4 Kalau dipikir-pikir, mempelajari Alkitab itu seperti mencari emas atau perak. Ini melibatkan dua hal: 1) Anda harus mencarinya. Salomo menulis, ‘jikalau engkau mencarinya seperti mencari perak, dan mengejarnya...
Getting the most out of your Bible (1)
‘Search for it as for hidden treasure.’ Proverbs 2:4 NIV When you think about it, studying the Bible is like prospecting for gold or silver. It involves two things: 1) You must look for it. Solomon writes, ‘If you look for it as for silver and search for it as for...
Apa yang diketahui bayi-bayi
‘Seorang bapa memberitahukan kesetiaan-Mu kepada anak-anaknya.’ Yesaya 38:19 Seorang peneliti di Universitas Johns Hopkins memberi tahu kita bahwa anak-anak berusia delapan bulan mampu mendengar dan mengingat kata-kata, baik atau buruk. 'Telinga kecil...
What babies know
‘The father shall make known Your truth to the children.’ Isaiah 3 8:19 NKJV A researcher at Johns Hopkins University informed us that children as young as eight months old are capable of hearing and remembering words, good or bad. ‘Little ears are listening,’ said Dr...
Pertumbuhan rohani membutuhkan waktu
‘Jika ia mati, ia akan menghasilkan banyak buah.’ Yohanes 12:24 Tuhan membutuhkan dua hari untuk menumbuhkan jamur tetapi 60 tahun untuk menumbuhkan pohon ek. Jadi, apakah Anda ingin menjadi jamur atau pohon ek? Pertumbuhan rohani membutuhkan waktu. Pernahkah Anda...
Spiritual growth takes time
‘If it dies, it bears much fruit.’ John 1 2:24 ESV God takes two days to grow a mushroom but 60 years to grow an oak tree. So, would you like to be a mushroom or an oak tree? Spiritual growth takes time. Have you been wondering, ‘Why is it taking me so long to...
Apakah Anda berpegang teguh sepenuhnya?
‘Ia mencari Allahnya. Semuanya dilakukannya dengan segenap hati, sehingga segala usahanya berhasil.’ 2 Tawarikh 31:21 Perubahan, peningkatan, pertumbuhan, kesuksesan, dan kemenangan tidak terjadi karena itu adalah konsep yang mengagumkan atau pilihan yang diinginkan....
Are you totally committed?
‘He sought … God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.’ 2 Chronicles 3 1:21 NIV Change, improvement, growth, success, and victory don’t happen because they’re admirable concepts or desirable options. No, they happen because you’re totally committed and...
Tuhan: sumber keyakinan diri Anda
‘Orang-orang yang percaya kepada TUHAN … tetap untuk selama-lamanya...’ Mazmur 125:1 Orang secara alami tertarik pada pemimpin yang menyampaikan ketenangan dan keyakinan diri; mereka tidak akan mengikuti orang yang kurang percaya diri. Ilustrasi yang sangat bagus...
God: the source of your confidence
‘Those who trust in the Lord … cannot be shaken ...’ Psalm 12 5:1 NIV People are naturally attracted to leaders who convey poise and self-assurance; they won’t follow one who lacks self-confidence. An excellent illustration of this is an incident that took place in...