How Are You Treating Your Family?

‘Is it not my family God has chosen?’ 2 Samuel 23:5 NLT Whether in church or in the workplace, if you’re ‘the person in charge’, here is a question you need to seriously address: if you don’t love and take care of your own family, why should the people who look to you...

Mind Your Mind

‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’ Proverbs 23:7 NKJV When we’re young, we’re told, ‘Mind your manners.’ When we launch out into a career, we’re told, ‘Mind your business.’ Well, here is some wise counsel that applies to all of life: ‘Mind your mind!’ When you...

Wait On God!

‘Wait on the Lord.’ Psalm 27:14 NKJV When we become impatient and react without thinking, we can do damage to ourselves and others. Sometimes when we pray and God doesn’t respond quickly enough, we decide to take matters into our own hands and things get worse as a...

Jesus Knows Your Potential

‘I have come that they may have life.’ John 10:10 NIV Have the experiences you have been through made you a different person from the one God intended you to be? Have the people, pursuits, and pleasures you chose resulted in a feeling of hopelessness about your...

When You Fail, Jesus Prays For You

‘I have prayed for you.’ Luke 22:32 NKJV ‘Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.’ (Luke 22:31–32 NKJV) Are...


‘Your heavenly Father feeds them.’ Matthew 6:26 NKJV Jesus said: ‘Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are? Can all your worries add a single...

Don’t Withhold It—Give It!

‘He makes you this solemn promise, “I will bless you.”’ Genesis 22:16–17 CEV God won’t ask you for what you don’t have, but sometimes He will ask for the thing you really want to keep. Why? To see if there is anything you value or depend on more than Him. Abraham was...

How To Be Financially Secure

‘The righteous give generously.’ Psalm 37:21 NIV Your desire for financial security can discourage you from giving. Why? Because each dollar you give away feels like it’s no longer available for your protection. But the opposite is true. Our sense of freedom and...

You Need A Support System

‘Share each other’s burdens.’ Galatians 6:2 NLT God created our physical bodies with internal systems that support each other. And it’s the same in our relationships. Everybody needs a support system. Sometimes when others disappoint us, we say, ‘From now on it’s just...

Like Seeds Growing Within You

‘This Word is at work in you believers.’ 1 Thessalonians 2:13 GWT When you read God’s Word and believe it and act on it, it’s like seeds growing inside you. Those seeds have life! In the natural world, you don’t have to understand the process by which seeds grow; you...

Most Recent Devotional Readings

Tuhan: sumber keyakinan diri Anda

‘Orang-orang yang percaya kepada TUHAN … tetap untuk selama-lamanya...’ Mazmur 125:1  Orang secara alami tertarik pada pemimpin yang menyampaikan ketenangan dan keyakinan diri; mereka tidak akan mengikuti orang yang kurang percaya diri. Ilustrasi yang sangat bagus...

God: the source of your confidence

‘Those who trust in the Lord … cannot be shaken ...’ Psalm 12 5:1 NIV People are naturally attracted to leaders who convey poise and self-assurance; they won’t follow one who lacks self-confidence. An excellent illustration of this is an incident that took place in...

Lima masalah kepemimpinan

‘Sesudah itu bersiaplah ia, lalu mengikuti Elia dan menjadi pelayannya.’ 1 Raja-raja 19:21 Untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan benar, Anda harus mengelilingi diri Anda dengan orang-orang yang tepat. Itu sebabnya pemimpin yang baik selalu mencari orang-orang baik....

Five leadership issues you must deal with

‘Then [Elisha] arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant.’ 1 Kings 1 9:21 NKJV To get the job done right, you must surround yourself with the right people. That’s why good leaders are continually on the lookout for good people. But the person you get isn’t...

Belajarlah untuk tidak setuju, secara menyenangkan

‘Kenakanlah belas kasihan, kemurahan, kerendahan hati, kelemahlembutan dan kesabaran.’ Kolose 3:12  John Gray menulis buku laris Pria dari Mars, Wanita dari Venus. Ide dasarnya adalah ini: untuk bergaul dengan seseorang, Anda harus mencoba dan melihat kehidupan dari...

Learn to disagree, agreeably

‘Clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.’ Colossians  3:12 NLT John Gray wrote the best-selling book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. His underlying idea is this: in order to get along with someone, you have to...

Menempatkan orang lain terlebih dahulu

‘Hendaklah kamu saling mengasihi sebagai saudara dan saling mendahului dalam memberi hormat.’ Roma 12:10  Dosen Amerika Ralph Waldo Emerson berkata, 'Tidak ada batasan untuk apa yang dapat dicapai jika tidak masalah siapa yang mendapat pujian.' Kebanyakan...

Putting the other guy first

‘Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.’ Romans 1 2:10 NIV American lecturer Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.’ Most people know about Isaac Newton’s...

Menurunkan untuk meningkatkan

‘Satu hal telah kuminta kepada TUHAN, itulah yang kuingini...’ Mazmur 27:4  Anda mungkin harus menurun secara material untuk meningkatkan secara rohani. Jika memiliki sesuatu, memeliharanya, dan khawatir kehilangannya merampok hal-hal yang paling penting bagi Anda...

Downscale in order to upscale

‘One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek ...’ Psalm 2 7:4 NKJV You may have to downscale materially to upscale spiritually. If owning things, maintaining them, and worrying about losing them is robbing you of the things that matter most like peace, joy,...