Don’t let go of your vision!

Nov 23, 2024

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’Proverbs 2 9:18 KJV

God has a plan for your life, one that will help you see what’s truly important. When God gives you a vision, you begin to see things as He sees them. Otherwise, things get blurred, and you end up not knowing where you’re supposed to go. Committing to your vision sometimes means sacrificing relationships, pastimes, and pleasures.

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.’ (Proverbs 29:18 NIV) Moses saw the Promised Land while everybody around him only saw wilderness and wanted to give up and return to Egypt. (see Numbers 14:1–3). Moses understood that he would get there on God’s schedule, according to God’s plan, one step at a time. Sometimes your vision can feel overwhelming. That’s when you break it down into small steps and visualise yourself taking the next one. You will be surprised at your progress. But until you take the first step, a vision is just a daydream.

What do you see in your future? Do you think God is just going to drop success into your lap? No, you must energise your vision with faith and give it momentum through hard work.

After working all night and catching no fish, Jesus told His disciples, ‘Launch out into the deep.’ (Luke 5:4 NKJV) When they obeyed, they caught their biggest catch ever. Bottom line: the world doesn’t control your supply, God does!

SoulFood: Gen 4-6, John 12:20-36, Ps 102:12-17, Pro 30:21-23
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

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