Have Clearly Established Goals For Your Life

Oct 10, 2019

‘I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me.’Philippians 3:14 NIV

In 1972, Life magazine published a story about the amazing adventures of John Goddard. When he was 15, his grandmother remarked, ‘If only I had done that when I was young.’ Determined not to make that statement at the end of his own life, John wrote out 127 goals. He named ten rivers he wanted to explore and 17 mountains he wanted to climb. He set goals of becoming an Eagle Scout, a world traveller, and a pilot. Also on his list was riding a horse in the Rose Bowl parade, diving in a submarine, retracing the travels of Marco Polo, reading the Bible from cover to cover, and reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. He also planned to read the entire works of Shakespeare, Plato, Dickens, Socrates, Aristotle, and several other classic authors. He desired to learn to play the flute and violin, marry, have children (he had six), pursue a career in medicine, and serve as a missionary for his church. Sound impossible? At age 47, he had accomplished 103 of his 127 goals!

Now, your list of goals may not be as extensive as his, but if you don’t have some goals for your life you’ll have little motivation to get up in the morning and little satisfaction when you put your head on your pillow each night. And unless you try something beyond what you’ve already mastered, you won’t grow. So set your goals in prayer, and with God’s help work towards them each day.

SoulFood: 2 Sam 17:14–19:43, John 3:22–36, Ps 89:38–52, Pro 23:19–21
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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