Who is Jesus Christ?

This is one of the most important questions you can ever ask because, you need Jesus.

God loves you. He desires to have a living relationship with you and give you salvation, purpose and eternal life. It is an important decision that only you can make, but you need to make it!

1. You have a past

Scripture states clearly that everyone in the world is guilty of sin — and that includes you and me. Romans 3:23 says: ‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’

2. Sin has its price

Romans 6:23 tells us: ‘For the wages of sin is death.’ The wage we earn from work is money, but the wages of sin is death. Death means separation from God forever. But there is good news.

3. Christ paid for your sin

Even though we are sinners, Christ loves us so much that He died in our place to pay for our sin. ‘But God demonstrated His own love for us in this while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ (Romans 5:8)

4. You must believe

To become a Christian and have assurance of eternal life is a personal decision only you can make. Romans 10:9 says: ‘if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.’ The word ‘believe’ here means to entrust your life completely over to Jesus Christ. That’s what real faith is, asking Jesus Christ to be Lord of your Life.

If You’d like to begin a personal relationship with Jesus today, please pray this prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe You died for me and that Your blood paid for my sins. Please forgive me for my sin. I want You to be my Lord. Thank You for dying for me, forgiving my sin and giving me the gift of eternal life. I wish to turn away from sin and I acknowledge You as my Lord and Saviour. Lead and guide me in Your way, Amen.

You have just made an important and very wise decision. We encourage you to now contact your local Christian church for regular, ongoing fellowship and guidance in becoming a disciple. Anytime you would like us to pray for you, either now or in the future, you can always contact the team at Vision Christian Prayer.

We’d love you to send us an email to tell us the story behind your decision.

We’d also love to send you a complimentary copy of our devotional, The Word for Today to help you search the Scriptures daily, know Jesus better and follow Him more closely. Give us a call if you’d like a copy.

1 John 5:11-12 tells us there are two groups of people. ‘He who has the Son has life’ and ‘He who does not have the Son of God does not have life.’ Because you have prayed and believed in the Son you have life!


The word for today

The ‘Spirit of Wisdom’

‘The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom…’ Isaiah 11:2 NKJV

During His earthly ministry Jesus needed ‘the Spirit of wisdom’ when it came to making decisions and dealing with the enemy. As believers, that same Spirit lives in us. James 3:15 says ungodly wisdom has three aspects. It’s: (1) Earthly, so it isn’t always dependable because ‘Sometimes what seems right is really a road to death.’ (Proverbs 16:25 CEV) (2) Sensual, based on emotions that can lead to confusion, hurt, and jealousy. (3) Demonic; that is, selfish, lustful, and ungodly. Godly wisdom, however, that comes ‘from above is… pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and… hypocrisy.’ (James 3:17 NKJV) The Bible says, ‘[When] you need wisdom, ask… God, and He will give it to you.’ (James 1:5 NLT) And when you’re praying, ask yourself these questions: (a) Are my motives pure or will I be ashamed of them later on? (b) Will my decision result in mercy and compassion or strife and stress? (c) Have I considered all the people who’ll be affected by the outcome? (d) Am I willing to submit to what God wants or am I determined to plough on regardless? (e) Will the end result cause me to have a harsh attitude or will it produce an environment where love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control can grow? (Galatians 5:22–23) (f) Is it fair and impartial or does it favour a particular person or group? (g) Can I take this particular course of action with a clear conscience or does it involve some level of deceit and selfishness?

SoulFood: 2 Chr 32–34, John 14:15–25, Ps 118:19–29, Pro 28:5–8

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

The Bible and Your Health (1)

‘A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body.’ Proverbs 14:30 NLT

In the last half century, doctors have come to understand and emphasise the link between mental and physical health. Yet the Bible talked about it over 3000 years ago when King Solomon gave us these four proverbs:

(1) ‘A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.’

(2) ‘A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.’ (Proverbs 15:30 NLT)

(3) ‘Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.’ (Proverbs 16:24 NLT)

(4) ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.’ (Proverbs 17:22 NLT)

These Scriptures could be summed up like this: a faith-filled attitude (focusing on what’s good instead of what’s bad), laughter (the ability to rejoice), and spoken words of encouragement have a profound effect on your health (and the health of those around you). What’s the antidote for stress? Peace! What’s the remedy for fear? Faith! And where do peace and faith come from? God!

David was in bad shape when he wrote, ‘I begged the Lord for mercy, saying, “What will You gain if I die, if I sink into the grave?”’ (Psalm 30:8–9 NLT) We don’t know whether he was stressed-out mentally, or if he was physically ill. But God intervened, and later in the same psalm David wrote, ‘You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have… clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to You and not be silent.’ (Psalm 30:11–12 NLT)

There’s no doubt about it—your thinking has a profound effect on your health!

SoulFood: Rom 9:17–11:36, Matt 13:36–46, Ps 138, Pr 4:14–17

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Keep Standing, Keep Believing, Keep Fighting

‘Patient endurance is what you need now.’ Hebrews 10:36 NLT

Satan studies you. He understands your strengths and weaknesses and knows how to push you to your limits. But when you keep standing, keep believing, and keep fighting, the Bible says, ‘Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown.’ (James 1:12 NKJV) The word ‘approved’ means that victory qualifies you for greater things. The word ‘endures’ means your character and tenacity [endurance] are being tested.

You say, ‘How long will this trial last?’ Only God knows. Goliath challenged the armies of Israel for 40 days (see 1 Samuel 17:16). Satan hindered [obstructed] Daniel’s prayers for 21 days (see Daniel 10:13). Satan is relentless, so you must be too. When it comes to prayer, your persistence overcomes his resistance. ‘Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord… Patient endurance is what you need now… Then you will receive all that He has promised.’ (Hebrews 10:35–36 NLT)

David didn’t get into trouble with Bathsheba until he left the battlefield (see 2 Samuel 11:1). So keep fighting, and God will come to your aid. He did it for Joshua. When Joshua needed extra time to defeat his enemies, God made the sun stand still and time stop (see Joshua 10:12). It seemed God was saying to him, ‘As long as the sun doesn’t go down, you won’t either, for the same power that’s holding it up is holding you up!’ When Jesus healed ten people with leprosy, the Bible says, ‘As they went, they were cleansed.’ (Luke 17:14 KJV) They were probably wondering, ‘When will it happen, and how will it happen?’ Faith doesn’t demand details and explanations; it just keeps moving forwards, believing God for the right result.

SoulFood: Eze 10-13, Mark 10:35-52, Ps 20, Pro 19:24-29

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

Communicating With Your Family

‘A house is built by wisdom.’ Proverbs 24:3 NLT

The storms of life will test whether or not you’ve done a good job with your family. And an important key to succeeding at home is communication. So, ask yourself these four questions:

(1) How well do I communicate with the people I love? You may unwittingly have adopted a style that doesn’t work well for you. For example: do you retaliate? That has a degrading effect. Do you dominate? That has an intimidating effect. Do you isolate? That has a frustrating effect. Or do you co-operate? That has an encouraging effect. If you’re in the habit of using any communication style other than a co-operative one, you must work to change it if you want to build a good relationship with your family.

(2) Have I identified my communication killers? The internet, mobile phones, texting and TV are among the main culprits. Would it surprise you to know the average couple spends less than one hour a week in meaningful conversation, and approximately five hours a day watching television?

(3) Do I encourage everyone to speak their mind? And when they do speak freely do you criticise, pout, or retaliate? Differences of opinion can be healthy. The Bible says, ‘Iron sharpens iron.’ (Proverbs 27:17 NKJV) Handled respectfully, different opinions can make things better for everyone.

(4) Do I think creatively? Do you spend time together as a family? Do you call your spouse during the day and try to meet sometimes for lunch? Do you walk your kids to school or sports/church activities so you can talk to them? Communication can happen anywhere, but it only happens when you make it a priority.

SoulFood: Deut 18–21, Luke 10:38–42, Ps 78:40–55, Pr 16:32

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Be joyful

‘That we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.’ Psalm 9 0:14 NIV

It doesn’t help the cause of Christ when His followers go around looking miserable. You say, ‘But I have problems.’ Everybody does. When the apostle Paul was in prison, he wrote, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always’ (Philippians 4:4 NIV). Expressing joy is something you do in spite of your circumstances, not because of them. The Bible says, ‘With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation’ (Isaiah 12:3 NIV).

God has put a well of joy within you, but you have to draw it out and share it with others. Joy is contagious. Happiness travels through relational networks like ripples on a pond. It’s so robust, in fact, that it can permeate three degrees of separation. That means your happiness quotient is more likely to increase when a friend of a friend of a friend becomes happy. We hunger for joy. ‘Satisfy us in the morning,’ writes the psalmist – but not with more money or power or applause. No, ‘Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days’ (Psalm 90:14 NIV). Joyful people make us come alive.

The Bible says, ‘The joy of the Lord is your strength’ (Nehemiah 8:10 NIV). We love joy, but often we forget how powerful it is. Joy gives us the strength to resist temptation. It gives us the ability to persevere. It’s the glue that makes relationships stick. It gives us the energy to love.

We don’t just need air, food, and water; we need joy. And the person who brings it is like an oasis in a desert land. So today, be joyful.

SoulFood: Song 5-8, Luke 2:41-52, Ps 21, Pro 16:16-19

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

Stick With God’s Plan (2)

‘God is the one who began this good work in you.’ Philippians 1:6 CEV

Paul writes, ‘God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain… He won’t stop before it is complete.’ (Philippians 1:6 CEV) You will notice that Jesus regularly took time out of His busy schedule to pray. In fact, He sometimes prayed all night. And He tells us why: ‘The Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what He sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows Him everything He is doing.’ (John 5:19–20 NLT)

Under the weight of our sins, He cried from the cross, ‘My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ (Matthew 27:46 NIV) And His words teach us three important things:

(1) We can be following God’s plan and still feel overwhelmed and alone at times.

(2) When God doesn’t answer, we must practise standing on the promises He gave us in His Word.

(3) The pain we’re feeling will eventually give way to the joy that awaits us on the other side of it.

So stick with God’s plan; as long as you do that, there is nothing the enemy can do to destroy you. The Bible says, ‘No weapon turned against you will succeed… These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord.’ (Isaiah 54:17 NLT) When you feel like you have reached the end of your rope, do what Jesus did and pray, ‘Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.’ (Luke 23:46 NIV)

In other words, turn it all over to God. Trust Him to do what you can’t do and to bring you through in victory.

SoulFood: Job 18-20, Luke 20:9-26, Ps 55:1-11, Pro 8:17-18

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

Be Passionate About It! (2)

‘I felt a fire burning inside.’ Psalm 39:3 CEV

David wrote, ‘I felt a fire burning inside, and the more I thought, the more it burned, until at last I said: “Please, Lord, show me my future.”’ (Psalm 39:3–4 CEV) Passion is like fire; unless you feed it and stoke it, it will die.

Question: on a scale of one to ten, how wholehearted are you about serving the Lord? Before you answer, think about these Scriptures:

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ (Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV)

‘Blessed are those who keep His statutes and seek Him with all their heart.’ (Psalm 119:2 NIV)

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.’ (Proverbs 3:5 NIV)

‘You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.’ (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV)

‘Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.’ (2 Timothy 1:6 NIV)

‘“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.’ (Luke 8:39 NIV)

‘Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.’ (1 Corinthians 14:12 NIV)

‘To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.’ (Colossians 1:29 NIV)

‘Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 3:13–14 NIV)

All these Scriptures can be reduced to one sentence: be passionate about what God has called you to do.

SoulFood: Num 7, Matt 6:1-18, Ps 37:8-15, Pro 11:3

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

Lessons from Lazarus (1)

‘Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany…’ John 11:1 NKJV

From the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, we learn certain lessons. The first lesson is about reason. You cannot have radical faith until you’ve exhausted all reasonable solutions. Mary and Martha didn’t send for Jesus until they’d done everything they themselves could do for Lazarus. Be reasonable; if you can do it for yourself, God won’t do it for you. For example, unless you are willing to change your diet and start eating right, how can you go to God with confidence for healing? Unless you are willing to put the needs of your spouse above your own, what’s the point in praying for a happy marriage? James writes: ‘…Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.’ (James 2:18 NKJV) The second lesson is about relationship. Some people only turn to God when they have a crisis. Prayer is a foreign concept to them until they have an accident or their marriage falls apart or they lose their job. Then, incredibly, they say, ‘God, why did You let this happen?’ It’s hard to go to someone when you’re in trouble, if you’ve spent no time building a relationship with them. Jesus often spent time at the home of Mary and Martha, eating at their table. They were givers, not takers. ‘It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.’ (John 11:2 NKJV) When you love the Lord to that extent, you can go to Him in faith knowing your needs will be met.

SoulFood: 1 John 3:11–5:21, John 8:31–41, Ps 30, Pro 25:13–17

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Don’t Jump to Conclusions

‘I will guard my ways that I may not sin with my tongue…’ Psalm 39:1 NAS

We all fail from time to time, even the best of us. When John D Rockefeller ran the Standard Oil Company one of his senior executives made a mistake that cost over US$2,000,000. The other executives thought Rockefeller would come down heavy on him and probably fire him. But he didn’t. Before he called the man in, he sat down, took a notepad and wrote across the top of it: ‘Points in favour of this man’. Then he listed the man’s strengths, including how he’d once helped the company make the right decision and earn them millions of dollars. One of the senior executives who witnessed it later said, ‘Whenever I am tempted to rip into someone, I force myself to sit down and compile a list of the good qualities they have. By the time I have finished, I have the right perspective. And best of all, my anger is under control. I can’t tell you how many times this habit has prevented me from committing one of life’s costliest mistakes—losing my temper. I recommend it to anyone who must deal with people.’ So before you jump to conclusions about someone, stop and ask God for wisdom, then sit down and make a list of their best qualities. If you do you’ll often come to a different conclusion. One thing is for sure, you’ll approach them with the right attitude and you won’t say things you’ll later regret. Obviously the Psalmist had learned that lesson: ‘I will guard my ways that I may not sin with my tongue.’

SoulFood: 2 Sam 12:1–14:20, John 4:13–26, Ps 32, Pro 23:29–35

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Confront Your Fears (2)

‘God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

A tourist was driving through the countryside when he saw an old farmer sitting in a chair on his verandah. Behind his farmhouse was 75 hectares of land. The tourist asked, ‘Is that your land?’ ‘Yep,’ he replied. ‘Well, what are you doing with it? Thinking of growing coconuts?’ the tourist asked. ‘Nope, I’m afraid weevils will get them,’ said the farmer. ‘What about bananas?’ the tourist asked. ‘No, I’m afraid leaf rust will spoil it,’ he replied. ‘Well,’ the tourist asked, ‘What about chickens?’ The farmer said, ‘I’m afraid the price might go down.’ ‘So, what are you going to do with all that prime farmland?’ the tourist asked. ‘Nothing. I’m just going to play it safe.’

Is that how you feel? When you choose to play it safe in life, your potential for success is like that barren wasteland. As long as fear rules your life you won’t step out in faith and fulfil your destiny. The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) Isn’t it better to risk failure and do what God wants, than risk displeasing Him? We’ve all experienced the fear that makes us want to pull back. Only those who overcome it go far in life. ‘…Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.’ (Psalm 35:27 NKJV) Conquering the fear of failure begins with believing: ‘God wants me to succeed.’ Supported by that truth you cannot only resist your fears but defeat them.

SoulFood: 1 Chr 23:21–26:19, John 11:17–27, Ps 8, Pro 26:23–26

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Shielda Neimbari from Holik Village

Shielda Neimbari is the youth coordinator for AOG Holik in Yangoru District, Wewak East Sepik Province. She is using The Word for Today in the youth meetings and her personal life as well. She loves how she can use The Word for Today as the fastest way of preparing the youth programs cause it is written daily, weekly & monthly. The youth program has grown strongly rooted in the word of God and the ministry felt like God is always with them by reading the book and applying the scriptures daily. She is always smiling and happy and says The Word for Today is her best friend.

Delivered from Evil Spirit’s Oppression

Mrs Augusta lives in the village of Deleso, in the District of Ermera.

In November 2020 her oldest son Álvaro contacted Radio Voz during our daily Morning Prayer program, requesting prayers for his mother who have been evil spirit oppressed for a couple of years already. She even got lost in the jungle, and even though the family looked for her, they were not able to find her for three months. The situation became much worse during the full moon season.

In addition to that, the people in the village started to see her as the one who attracts all kinds of evils to the whole community in the village, and they started to persecute the family. Even in the school, when a student got sick or had an accident, the students blamed the two daughters who were also students at that school. The family was facing a really difficult time.

The oldest son Álvaro decided to bring his mother to the capital Dili. It was when he contacted Radio Voz early in the morning asking for help in prayer. We prayed for her and for the safety of the entire family. Some days later he came to meet with the Radio Voz team because the family situation was unbearable.

We prayed together and ministered the Word of God to him and demanded from him that he should bring his entire family to Christ, in order for the entire family to get delivered. The next Thursday evening service he brought his mother to the church to receive prayers. After that day on she got completely free from the evil spirits oppression, and until now, four months later, there have been no more manifestations of oppression in her life, even during full moon season.

Then Álvaro brought his brother and the two teenage sisters who all accepted Jesus, and were baptized in the first Saturday of February.

They are all attending every service in the church, happy for what the Lord had done in their family. Now, for safety reason, only the father remained in the village, to take care of the house and land, while the mother and the two sons are in Dili, and the two girls in Aileu, living in our church there.


Encouraged to bring our burdans to Jesus


This testimony from our team in Nepal celebrates the testimony from Suresh who is a graphic designer and how he found encouragement in The Word for Today devotion from the passage in 1 Peter 5:7 ‘Cast your burdans upon Him, for He cares for you.’ This passage drew Suresh closer to God in a new and amazing way.

May you also be encouraged to share The Word for Today in the different places where you may meet with people, we all need encouragement in our daily lives and this devotion has a whole year’s supply in one book!




Setaita’s daily journey with The Word for Today

Here is a powerful testimony from Tomu our Station Manager in Fiji, when he visited his village just before the New Year. He shared about his Aunty Setaita and how she has been diligently using The Word for Today for the past 2 years.

I met an Aunty of mine on Dec 31, 2023. Her name is Setaita and she has been using the devotionals for the last 2 years. We met again at a local combine church service in my village after a long time. This service was also meant to be the farewell service for the year 2023. She couldn’t wait to meet me and share her story about how the book has been her company for the whole year as she mostly stays home with minimal movement due to her knee problem.

She reads her devotional every morning and marks out writings with red pen that speaks to her and signs off on each page to indicate that she’s read the devotion of that day. She pulled out the book from her bag and showed me all this to prove. She was filled with excitement when sharing about the lessons learned and how the devotional had really impacted and helped her growth and faith journey. She spends time after reading to share the lessons of each day to her children and grandchildren. The challenges of each day becomes more meaningful to her as she feels that God is speaking to her and building her faith in each of the circumstances she faces each day.

She had been praying to meet me as she wanted to get her hands on a copy of 2024 edition. And it so happens that I attended the service on Dec 31 bringing along some copies with me. I was able to gift her a copy of The Word for Today 2024 edition, to her excitement and she’s looking forward to following through the devotion with each day.

Station Manager

God knows what we really need!

This is a powerful testimony of a young woman that encountered God through The Word for Today, reminding us to be aware of how God may want to speak to us, either through His Word, through people, even through our situations.

11 years ago, I lost my mother to an illness, and it took a few years after that struggling to accept it. Two years after her passing my father re-married, but my stepmom was(is) a loving, caring, kind and God-fearing woman, yet I could not fully accept her into my life. Up until last year I sought counselling and that helped me. I decided to put my foot down that it’s time to change my perspective of my stepmom.

As 2024 began, I told myself that this is the year to re-fresh and start all over again. Lo and behold on the 19th of January as I opened up the UCB Word for Today devotional booklet, what I read hit a spot in my life where I felt ministered to by God. He just read my mail! Bingo! It talked about blended family and how we children tend to be loyal to our previous parent and welcoming a new parent(step) may feel like an act of betrayal.

I looked up to heaven lol and said, “God you really know what I needed to hear and know how to get your message across to me today after all these years of struggling alone with this issue.” It has really opened my eyes and helped me in forming a better relationship with my stepmom. So thank you UCB for the booklet and the message you have for each day, as many a time the message for the day is really what I needed to hear from God in response to my prayers.
The Word for Today booklet has really impacted my life and helped me in my spiritual walk with the Lord.

Submitted by a reader of The Word for Today to Tomu

Laef FM is changing lives in Taro

Mike* is a married person from another Island province. He resides with his wife in Honiara but as time goes, they started to have quarrels. It was not long before Mike resorted to drugs and locally brewed alcohol. His life was in a mess. He had other plans-to sell drugs, in particular the cannabis illegally to vulnerable people.

He travelled to Choiseul on a passenger/cargo boat and ended up at Taro.

While in Taro, he stayed with an elderly person who encouraged him to listen to Laef FM. As he continued to listen to the messages (preaching & teachings)  from the radio, day by day and week by week, the Holy Spirit began to change his heart and mind. He began to attend Church services and activities.

Not only that but when he eventually returned to Honiara, he reconciled and reunited with his family as a changed person.

Laef FM broadcasts on 93.5 on the island of Taro, Solomon Islands


  • name changed for privacy

The Word for Today encouraging the Ministry of Health


It is always so encouraging to hear how The Word for Today is impacting the daily lives of people in different workplaces.

Karen works for the Ministry of Health Cook Islands in the Public Health Unit. She shared how they read The Word for Today every morning as part of their devotion as a staff before they begin their day. It brings so much gladness, laughter, and encouraging thoughts for each day, it is a true blessing for their people.


Courage through the Words


I am Samjhana Nepal from Laltipur Nepal . Over a few months, I’ve had the honour of engaging with the transforming message presented in the book “Message of Hope Nepal .” The profound meaning included in its words has given me a tremendous sense of courage. I’m incredibly appreciative of all the benefits I’ve gotten from reading this literary work. In the same way that nourishing food is necessary for bodily survival, spiritual edification is also essential for the soul’s nutriment.

I have gained a greater sense of intimacy with the divine in my path by immersing myself in the information in this book and accepting the spiritual nourishment it offers. May the generous blessings of the divine be given to every person involved in the creation and distribution of this invaluable literary Work

Samjhana from Nepal



Spreading through Social Media

On Thursday we (Radio Voz in Timor-Leste) started live streaming the Bible Study Program hosted by Ps. Elienae.

G’Rallya is a listener who really likes this program and always listens, she told us that she is blessed with radio programs and she has tagged several people on Facebook to hear the program.

Seghe Theological Seminary

Thanks to your generosity all 40 staff and students at Seghe Theological Seminary of the United Church in the Solomon Islands were each able to receive a copy of The Word for Today.

Armstrong Pitakagi, College Principal and Moderator elect of the United Church said they were “Wonderful books. Enriching our spiritualities”.