Taking In And Giving Out

‘Go, and tell this people.’ Isaiah 6:9 NKJV When you’re involved in God’s work, it’s easy to get out of balance and end up enjoying the work of the Lord more than the Lord of the work. First, Jesus called His disciples to Him; then, He sent them out from Him. The...

Speak Life To Their Spirit (2)

‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.’ Genesis 28:16 NKJV We have all heard people say, ‘The Lord told me,’ and it turned out not to be so. As a result, we have become doubting and cynical. What a loss! God speaks through people, and your fear of...

Speak Life To Their Spirit (1)

‘We regard no one from a worldly point of view.’ 2 Corinthians 5:16 NIV Paul writes, ‘We regard no one from a worldly point of view… if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!’ (2 Corinthians 5:16–17 NKJV) Here is an...

Speak Words Of Healing

‘I would strengthen you with my mouth.’ Job 16:5 NKJV Even when a surgery is successful, the patient can carry within them scar tissue that causes lingering pain and discomfort. And it’s the same in life. Some people around you wear a mask of success, but within, they...

Remember What You Used To Be Like? (2)

‘I try to find common ground with everyone.’ 1 Corinthians 9:22 NLT It’s easy to develop ‘spiritual amnesia’. You forget what you used to be like. And that attitude affects the people you deal with each day. Kelli Trujillo writes: ‘I’ve a workplace acquaintance who...

Remember What You Used To Be Like? (1)

‘God had mercy on me.’ 1 Timothy 1:15 NLT If you want to win people to Christ, you won’t do it with a holier-than-thou attitude. Sadly, this is how society sees many Christians; their hearts are in the right place, but their ability to relate with compassion to those...

Build On Your Strengths

‘Who makes you different from anyone else?’ 1 Corinthians 4:7 NIV Your success isn’t found in your similarity to others but in your difference. Instead of comparing yourself with somebody else and competing with them, try to discover your point of God-given...

Relationships (3)

‘Don’t participate in the things these people do.’ Ephesians 5:7 NLT Letting go of a person doesn’t mean you no longer love them; it just means the relationship is not right for you. How should you handle it? (1) A gradual separation is sometimes the best solution....

Relationships (2)

‘He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.’ Proverbs 13:20 NKJV Not everyone who starts out with you is capable of going where God wants to take you. Sometimes they don’t have the emotional capacity required. Other times...

Relationships (1)

‘Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?’ Amos 3:3 NLT Having the right relationships will help you to soar in life; they’re like the wind beneath your wings. But the wrong relationships will drag you down; they’re like a heavy weight around...

Most Recent Devotional Readings

Membangun kembali Pernikahan Anda (2)

‘Hai suami, kasihilah isterimu sebagaimana Kristus telah mengasihi jemaat.’ Efesus 5:25  Kedua, kalian harus mendengarkan satu sama lain. Ini membutuhkan waktu, kesabaran, dan perhatian yang terfokus. Terlalu banyak pasangan saling memberikan monolog [percakapan...

Rebuilding your marriage (2)

‘Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church.’ Ephesians  5:25  Second, you must listen to each other. This requires time, patience, and focused attention. Too many couples give each other a monologue [one sided conversation] without leaving room for genuine...

Membangun kembali Pernikahan Anda (1)

‘Angin melanda rumah itu, sehingga rubuhlah rumah itu dan hebatlah kerusakannya.’ Matius 7:27  Saat ini sekitar 50% dari semua pernikahan baru berakhir dengan perceraian. Sedihnya, itu terjadi baik pada orang Kristen atau bukan. Terkadang alasannya tidak langsung,...

Rebuilding your marriage (1)

‘The winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell.’ Matthew  7:27 NKJV Today about 50% of all new marriages end in divorce. Sadly, that’s true whether you’re a Christian or not. Sometimes the reasons are circumstantial, such as a redundancy or money problems. Other...

Anda membutuhkan orang-orang lain

‘Dan bilamana seorang dapat dikalahkan, dua orang akan dapat bertahan.’ Pengkhotbah 4:12  Sebesar apapun anggapan kita bahwa kita mengetahui semuanya, jika kita jujur, masing-masing dari kita sangat menyadari bahwa kita memiliki kelemahan dan sisi kurangnya...

You need others

‘Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.’ Ecclesiastes  4:12 NKJV As much as we would like to think that we know it all, if we’re honest, each of us is painfully aware that we have blind spots and areas of inexperience. You have had...

Apa yang harus Anda serahkan

‘Satu hal telah kuminta kepada TUHAN, itulah yang kuingini.’ Mazmur 27:4  Untuk berhasil, ada hal-hal tertentu yang harus Anda serahkan. 1) Anda tidak bisa berteman dengan semua orang. Yesus mengasihi semua orang tetapi menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu-Nya dengan 12...

What you must give up

‘One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek.’ Psalm 2 7:4 NKJV In order to succeed, there are certain things you must give up. 1) You can’t be friends with everybody. Jesus loved everybody but spent most of His time with 12 people mentoring them. And He...

Pelajaran dari patah hati

‘Perbaharuilah batinku dengan roh yang teguh.’ Mazmur 51:12  Patah hati tidak dapat disembuhkan dengan bekerja 16 jam sehari, berkeringat di gym, atau menggunakan zat yang mengubah suasana hati seperti alkohol dan obat-obatan. Hal-hal itu mungkin membawa perbaikan...

Lessons from a broken heart

‘Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.’ Psalm 5 1:12 NKJV A broken heart can’t be healed by working 16 hours a day, sweating it out in a gym, or using mood-altering substances like alcohol and drugs. Those things may bring a temporary fix but don’t bring a lasting...