
UCB Asia Pacific

Roly (from In the Gap Ministries) and Grant joining our PNG team for church

Hello there, We are

United Christian Broadcasters Asia Pacific

But you can call us UCB.

We’re part of the global family of United Christian Broadcasters International Ltd.  that traces it roots back to the 60’s and one bloke in New Zealand with a crazy idea.

Then in 1988 another bloke with an equally crazy idea started UCB Australia. Today UCB Australia is known as Vision Christian Media but they are still very much part of who we are and what we do.

You can read all about our history here

UCB has always tried to be open and generous with sharing what we have and what we’ve learned. That’s why we are in so many countries.

The whole point of UCB Asia Pacific is to take what we’ve learned here in Australia (and around the world) and help groups around the Asia Pacific region get their own media ministry up and running successfully.

Likewise our sister ministry UCB UK looks after Europe, and UCB USA (who go by the name The Dove)  look after North and South America.

We currently have twelve national projects at various states of operation. And while that is about all we can handle right now we are always interested to hear about new opportunities.

We definitely try to work in partnership with others. YWAM, Youth For Christ, Reach Beyond, MAF, GRN are some of the international ministries we work with. And then there are individuals, businesses and smaller ministries too, like In The Gap, or our mate Owen who’s given us hundreds of hours of labour or Baker Renewable Energy, Tropic Print – the list goes on and on.

We realise there are lots of great people and ministries out there doing important Kingdom work and God loves it when we work together.

We are all about helping local teams of people provide their communities with quality, trusted Christian media (particularly radio) so God can use this powerful medium to Change Lives for Good.

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