Trusted Christian Radio…

We are currently working with established radio stations in the following countries

Cook Islands
Life FM Cook Islands Website

Jappri Group of stations – Click here

Message of Hope – Listen live
Message of Hope Website
Radio Chhimeki – Listen live

Papua New Guinea
Laif FM – Listen live
Laif FM Website

Edge Media – Listen live
Edge Media Website

Laufou O Le Talalelei Website

Solomon Islands
Laef FM Solomon Islands Website

Radio Voz Website

Laef FM Website

And we are working to help establish locally run youth-focused Christian radio stations in

Life FM Fiji Website


Life Fm Nauru Website

Giving you free access to trusted Christian radio is right at the heart of our ministry.

Radio has the power to reach people where they are, in their homes or at work, walking or driving, in their good days and the bad.

For anyone alone and needing hope, radio can reach behind their closed door and speak the Word of God – right when it is needed most.

Radio can also be a fun companion, bringing the light and joy of an abundant life into your day.

So tune in, be inspired, encouraged and blessed as the music transforms the Word of God into melody and the teachers share gems of life from Scripture.

We are here 24/7 for you!

Who is Jesus?

…and why do you need to meet Him personally?

Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So what does that mean for you today?

Tackle your giant head-on

‘David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone.’ 1 Samuel 17:50 NKJV Pastor Chuck Swindoll says: ‘Goliath reminds me of the visually impaired discus thrower. He didn’t set any records… but he sure kept the crowd awake! Every day, Goliath paraded along...

Hadapi raksasa Anda secara langsung

‘Demikianlah Daud mengalahkan orang Filistin itu dengan umban dan batu.’ 1 Samuel 17:50  Pendeta Chuck Swindoll berkata: ‘Goliat mengingatkan saya pada pelempar cakram yang tunanetra. Dia tidak membuat rekor apa pun… tapi dia berhasil membuat penonton tetap terjaga!...

Being friends with God

‘The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.’ Exodus 33:11 NLT When you talk to a close friend, you’re relaxed, trusting, unguarded, and open. There is no need to watch what you say. You can express how you feel without fearing you will be...

Berteman dengan Tuhan

‘Dan TUHAN berbicara kepada Musa dengan berhadapan muka seperti seorang berbicara kepada temannya.’ Keluaran 33:11  Saat Anda berbicara dengan teman dekat, Anda bersikap santai, percaya, bebas, dan terbuka. Tidak perlu memperhatikan apa yang Anda katakan. Anda bisa...

Let’s work together

‘For we are labourers together with God.’ 1 Corinthians 3:9 KJV The Bible says we must love, honour, and work together. So, why don’t we do it? Ego! We like to think we can do everything ourselves—but that’s not reality! There are no supermen or superwomen. So, the...

Ayo kerja sama

‘Karena kami adalah kawan sekerja Allah.’ 1 Korintus 3:9  Alkitab mengatakan kita harus mengasihi, menghormati, dan bekerja sama. Jadi kenapa kita tidak melakukannya? Ego! Kita suka berpikir bahwa kita bisa melakukan segalanya sendiri—tapi itu bukan kenyataan! Tidak...

Passing the Blessing on in Ba

The testimony below is from Tomu, the station manager at Life FM Fiji, who shared about the distribution of The Word for Today in the province of Ba. A UCB team of 3 people traveled from Suva to Lautoka on the weekend. On our way, we stopped at Ba for the night....

Influenced by the Message of Hope

We received the following testimonies from the team in Nepal about how people are being influenced and encouraged by the daily devotion. Greetings I am Sushila Thing from the vibrant community of Hariwan Sarlahi and a dedicated member of Ananta Jiwan Church, where I...

The right attitude

‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’ Proverbs 23:7 NKJV What separates the best from the rest? Have you ever given that some thought? What separates a gold medallist from a silver medallist in the Olympics? What separates a successful entrepreneur from someone...

Sikap yang benar

‘Sebab seperti orang yang membuat perhitungan dalam dirinya sendiri demikianlah ia.’ Amsal 23:7  Apa yang membedakan yang terbaik dari yang lain? Pernahkah Anda memikirkan hal itu? Apa yang membedakan peraih medali emas dengan peraih medali perak di Olimpiade? Apa...

Uses data: approx 58Mb per hour of listening

Thank You for the UCB Daily Word

HALLO UCB READERS SOLOMON ISLANDS AND UCB ASIA PACIFIC my daily reading and prayer helps me to have the stronger determination to activate my role as a companion regional leader of the Brother hood for my district companion leaders in Pele region Diocese of Temotu...

The Word for Today in Tetum

Our team in Timor-Leste translate The Word for Today into Tetum and both read it on air and make it available on their website. They received this encouraging feedback... Lola's mother always feels blessed by this program.  He [Lola] not only heard, but he asked us to...

Families in Vanua Levu (Fiji) affected by cyclone YASA received The Word for Today.

The Word for Today was distributed with food rations with the help of one of UCB Fiji's committee members (Amani Waqetia) who heads the response effort of OLA FOU Fiji in Vanua Levu. The families who received them were very appreciative especially after being...

Finding God’s Peace

Mr. Laurindu heard about Radio Voz from one of our loyal listeners named Merry Audian. Mr Laurindu was experiencing many problems caused by his children so it was difficult to manage. Because he couldn't stand the problems he was in, he came to Radio Voz to share them...

Sapna from Kathmandu

Greetings Sapna B.K. is my name. I work as a nurse and live in Kathmandu. I can't do my normal Bible study since I spend most of my time at work, but I like reading and listening to The Word for Today in my daily life. I really enjoy this program. Because it is brief...

Reaching into India

Greetings, I am listening to ‘The Word for Today' daily devotion from YouTube also watching The Television program ‘The Reality’ from YouTube. Especially this daily devotion message really encourages us in our daily life to work with God. This daily devotion helps me...

Challenged to do New Things

The following testimony is from our team in Nepal, from a listener of The Word for Today in Godivari Nepal... GreetingsMy name is Shila Lama Sunuwar and I live in Godavari. I am a regular listener of The Word for Today. I feel excited and encouraged whenever listen to...

Kornelio and Jina Leorema

Kornelio and Jina Leorema are a married couple and avid listeners on Radio Voz. They live in a mountainous area called Remisiu and Leorema. They decided to visit Radio Voz to see it live. Another purpose of the visit was to ask for a chance to be given and give ideas...

God and Grades

Junior Pingu is a year 12 student @ Brandi Secondary High School. He started reading The Word for Today in 2018. He says since then, he can't skip a day without reading. The encouragement & daily devotion is always guiding him in his studies & Christian faith....

A Pre-Believer

Rommy is a listener who has not yet accepted Jesus as the Lord but he feels that what we convey on Radio Voz is very appropriate and completely contradicts the customs of Timor Leste. He called Radio Voz, and he was so excited to hear the truth of God's Word. And...