Trusted Christian Radio…

We are currently working with established radio stations in the following countries

Cook Islands
Life FM Cook Islands Website

Jappri Group of stations – Click here

Message of Hope – Listen live
Message of Hope Website
Radio Chhimeki – Listen live

Papua New Guinea
Laif FM – Listen live
Laif FM Website

Edge Media – Listen live
Edge Media Website

Laufou O Le Talalelei Website

Solomon Islands
Laef FM Solomon Islands Website

Radio Voz Website

Laef FM Website

And we are working to help establish locally run youth-focused Christian radio stations in

Life FM Fiji Website


Life Fm Nauru Website

Giving you free access to trusted Christian radio is right at the heart of our ministry.

Radio has the power to reach people where they are, in their homes or at work, walking or driving, in their good days and the bad.

For anyone alone and needing hope, radio can reach behind their closed door and speak the Word of God – right when it is needed most.

Radio can also be a fun companion, bringing the light and joy of an abundant life into your day.

So tune in, be inspired, encouraged and blessed as the music transforms the Word of God into melody and the teachers share gems of life from Scripture.

We are here 24/7 for you!

Who is Jesus?

…and why do you need to meet Him personally?

Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So what does that mean for you today?

The two rules

‘From any tree of the garden you may freely eat.’ Genesis  2:16 NASB Adam had the perfect job, perfect home, perfect marriage, and the perfect environment; all the things we strive for. So how did it come about? As a result of his relationship with God! God basically...

Dua aturan

‘Semua pohon dalam taman ini boleh kaumakan buahnya dengan bebas.’ Kejadian 2:16  Adam memiliki pekerjaan yang sempurna, rumah yang sempurna, pernikahan yang sempurna, dan lingkungan yang sempurna; semua hal yang kita perjuangkan. Jadi bagaimana itu bisa terjadi?...

The Power of Radio

Sometimes it can be hard to know if what we are doing is making a difference, so when we got this testimony from our team in Timor-Leste, it reminded us of the power of radio when we broadcast. We don't know who is listening and what it could be doing to them or their...

Rahmat dan kepercayaan diri

‘Sebab itu marilah kita dengan penuh keberanian menghampiri takhta kasih karunia.’ Ibrani 4:16  Jika Anda merasa tidak layak untuk mendekati Tuhan dalam doa, berhentilah dan bacalah kata-kata ini: ‘Sebab itu marilah kita dengan penuh keberanian menghampiri takhta...

Grace and confidence

‘Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence.’ Hebrews  4:16 NIV If you feel unworthy to approach God in prayer, stop and read these words: ‘Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help...

Simplifying doesn’t have to be complicated

‘Do not worry about your life.’ Matthew  6:25 NKJV We tend to complicate our lives unnecessarily. Jesus said: ‘Do not worry about your life … the birds … neither sow … reap nor gather into barns … yet your … heavenly Father feeds them’ (Matthew 6:25-26 NKJV). Charlie...

Menyederhanakan tidak harus rumit

‘Janganlah kuatir akan hidupmu.’ Matius 6:25  Kita cenderung mempersulit hidup kita dengan hal-hal yang tidak perlu. Kata Yesus: ‘Janganlah kuatir akan hidupmu… burung-burung di langit, yang tidak menabur dan tidak menuai dan tidak mengumpulkan bekal dalam lumbung,...

Uses data: approx 58Mb per hour of listening

A visitor from Baucau

A listener and my friend CIMA Kaiwa from Baucau visited Dili for a week. I (Rio) offered her to listen to Radio Voz. After hearing Radio Voz on the Program Voz Christa and she felt very blessed and she requested to meet with the purpose of hearing the Word of God and...

Sharing The Word for Today with friends

Greetings!! It's me Anish Magar all the away from Dolakha, Nepal. I used to go and do fellowship in Ashim Church, Bhaktapur. First of all, I would like to give thanks to my friend Dirgha to share about this devotional book. After that time, I'm reading The Word for...

New Hope and Meaning

I am a regular reader of The Word for Today. Reading this book became one of the favorite things to do in the morning. This gives me new hope and meaning in my life. I am very much blessed by this program. Thank you Message of Hope Nepal for this opportunity. Shushila...

Hearing about God’s Word on TikTok

  We had a young woman named PAYA who was thirsty for the truth. She watches Tiktok that talks about God's Word. She looked for others to give hierunderstanding and to pray for her. Someone directed her to us at Radio Voz. She was finally able to come to Radio...

Surendra is inspired by The Word for Today

The following is a testimony from Surendra who is a regular reader of The Word for Today in Saptari in the Eastern part of Nepal. Greetings, I am Surendra Raut originally from the Saptari Eastern part of Nepal. Recently I live in Lalitpur Nakkhudole. I am a regular...


Thelly Pandwall is a volunteer broadcaster who in December 2019 fell ill and had a stroke. She went to Indonesia for treatment. When she left for Indonesia she could only sit in a wheelchair and was assisted by those closest to her. At that time she could not take...

The Word for Today connects with the Workplace

  It is always so encouraging to hear how The Word for Today is impacting the daily lives of people in different workplaces. Oropai Mataroa enjoys reading The Word for Today during their team briefings and believes each day is so relevant for all staff who hear...

On the run from the police

Pictured is one of Laif FM listener's from Kubalia in the East Sepik Province of PNG. He shared his testimony on how he got saved through listening to 98.3, Laif FM. He was in prison in 2000 for rascal activities and being involved in some hold ups. He was on the run...

Delivered from Evil Spirit’s Oppression

Mrs Augusta lives in the village of Deleso, in the District of Ermera. In November 2020 her oldest son Álvaro contacted Radio Voz during our daily Morning Prayer program, requesting prayers for his mother who have been evil spirit oppressed for a couple of years...

Blessed by God’s Word

Estanislau is an avid listener of Radio Voz from the district of Ermera. One day Estanislau stopped me in the middle of the road while I was cycling, he recognized me because I was wearing a Radio Voz t-shirt. He introduced himself to me and told me that he faithfully...