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To donate by Internet Banking
Our account details are:
ANZ Bank BSB: 014-279
Account No: 418669991
You may also need our:
Account Name: UCB Asia Pacific Ltd
Please include your name and send us an email with any special instructions. You can also specify which project you wish to support.
At present donations are not tax deductible.
If you have any questions we’d love to hear from you.
Thank you
Your gift today will help and bless people all across the Pacific and in Asia.
Everyone should be able to freely access trusted Christian radio and you are making that a reality.
Your gift of $40 will bless a village with 20 copies of The Word for Today
$100 could cover the expenses to keep a radio station on air for 2 (or more) months.
$1000 could give an entire village their own small Christian radio station.