Christ is coming again!

‘The day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief.’ 2 Peter  3:10 NLT Don’t let date-setters make you cynical about Christ’s soon return. When the founder of a major church denomination predicted in print the date of Christ’s second coming, his successors...

Start memorising Scriptures

‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.’ Colossians  3:16 KJV Before written languages were developed, memory was the only way to learn. In our day, memorising has got a bad name as ‘rote learning’. But memorising never makes your mind a duller place, just the...

Change your expectations

‘These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you.’ John 1 5:11 KJV Why did Jesus say, ‘These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full’? Because if you let it, stress will drain you of joy and...

Servants for life

‘Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle.’ Romans  1:1 NASB In the Bible the word minister isn’t just a noun (which denotes a person, place, or thing); it’s also a verb (an action word). It’s what you do, not what you claim to be. In Scripture, the...

Build a relationship with your children

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.’ Psalm 12 7:1 NIV How would you describe your relationship with your children? Strained? Exciting? Heart-breaking? Enjoyable? If you want a real eye-opener, ask them to describe their feelings about you...

Today, choose the right attitude

‘Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’ Romans 1 2:2 NASB Long before William James, the Father of American psychology, was attributed with saying, ‘The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes,’...

Beware of self-pity

‘No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.’ 1 Corinthians 1 0:24 NIV Self-pity can be deadly. It tells the wife and mother who works hard, ‘You’re not appreciated.’ It says to the office worker, ‘Look how valuable you are, yet you’re never recognised...

He will do it again!

‘Jacob set up a memorial stone in the place where He had spoken with him,’ Genesis 3 5:14 NASB There are events in all our lives that, looking back, had to be the hand of God at work. Maybe you bumped into somebody who introduced you to your spouse, or a co-worker...

Setting captives free (2)

‘He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, And broke their chains in pieces.’ Psalm 10 7:14 NKJV When the Israelites cried to the Lord, he saved them. He brought them out of darkness and broke their chains. (see Psalm 107:13-14). And He can set you free...

Setting captives free (1)

‘I have heard them crying out…and I am concerned about their suffering.’ Exodus  3:7 NIV For 400 years, Israel was enslaved by Egyptian taskmasters who oppressed them. You can understand their feelings of helplessness when you consider the areas in your life where you...

Most Recent Devotional Readings

Christ is coming again!

‘The day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief.’ 2 Peter  3:10 NLT Don’t let date-setters make you cynical about Christ’s soon return. When the founder of a major church denomination predicted in print the date of Christ’s second coming, his successors...

Kristus akan datang kembali!

‘Tetapi hari Tuhan akan tiba seperti pencuri.’ 2 Petrus 3:10  Jangan biarkan pembuat kalender membuat Anda sinis tentang kedatangan Kristus yang segera. Ketika pendiri sebuah denominasi gereja besar meramalkan dalam cetakan kalender kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kali,...

Start memorising Scriptures

‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.’ Colossians  3:16 KJV Before written languages were developed, memory was the only way to learn. In our day, memorising has got a bad name as ‘rote learning’. But memorising never makes your mind a duller place, just the...

Mulailah menghafal ayat Alkitab

‘Hendaklah perkataan Kristus diam dengan segala kekayaannya di antara kamu.’ Kolose 3:16  Sebelum bahasa tertulis dikembangkan, memori adalah satu-satunya cara untuk belajar. Di zaman kita, menghafal memiliki kesan buruk sebagai 'belajar hafalan'. Tapi...

Ubahlah harapan-harapan Anda

‘Semuanya itu Kukatakan kepadamu, supaya sukacita-Ku ada di dalam kamu dan sukacitamu menjadi penuh.’ Yohanes 15:11  Mengapa Yesus berkata, 'Semuanya itu Kukatakan padamu, supaya kegembiraan-Ku ada di dalam kamu dan kegembiraanmu menjadi penuh.'? Karena jika...

Change your expectations

‘These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you.’ John 1 5:11 KJV Why did Jesus say, ‘These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full’? Because if you let it, stress will drain you of joy and...

Servants for life

‘Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle.’ Romans  1:1 NASB In the Bible the word minister isn’t just a noun (which denotes a person, place, or thing); it’s also a verb (an action word). It’s what you do, not what you claim to be. In Scripture, the...

Pelayan seumur hidup

‘Dari Paulus, hamba Kristus Yesus, yang dipanggil menjadi rasul.’ Roma 1:1  Dalam Alkitab kata pelayan bukan hanya kata benda (yang menunjukkan seseorang, tempat, atau benda); itu juga kata kerja (kata tindakan). Itu adalah apa yang Anda lakukan, bukan apa yang Anda...

Build a relationship with your children

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.’ Psalm 12 7:1 NIV How would you describe your relationship with your children? Strained? Exciting? Heart-breaking? Enjoyable? If you want a real eye-opener, ask them to describe their feelings about you...

Bangunlah hubungan dengan anak-anak Anda

‘Jikalau bukan TUHAN yang membangun rumah, sia-sialah usaha orang yang membangunnya.’ Mazmur 127:1  Bagaimana menggambarkan hubungan Anda dengan anak-anak Anda? Tegang? Menyakitkan hati? Menyenangkan? Jika Anda ingin benar-benar membuka mata, mintalah mereka untuk...