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“你们若持守我的道,就真是我的门徒了。”(约翰福音8:31) 你如果不时常研读上帝的话语,就不能成为耶稣的门徒。耶稣说:“你们若持守我的道,就真是我的门徒了。”“持守”这个词意味着每天遵照祂话语的原则来行事为人。有一则故事,说有个人在礼拜结束后到教会来接他的妻子:“讲道结束了吗?”他问,一名火热的信徒回答:“没有,这才刚刚开始。接下来就看我们的了。” 历史上每个信心伟人的共同点,就是能够自觉地花时间读上帝的话语。是什么使穆勒如此成功呢?他一生中把《圣经》读了两百多遍,而有一半以上是跪着读的,一边研读一边祷告。当你深切地认识上帝,你会明确地祷告,并且会得到明确的答案。大多数人说自己相信整本《圣经》,却从来没有从头到尾地读过!我们对报刊专栏和体育评论比对上帝的话语更忠诚。那些非信徒早上若不拜读他们的星座信息就根本不会出门。想想看,你如果决定在上班、上学或去别的地方之前花同样的精力来读《圣经》,那将会出现什么样的情形呢?这么做能够改变你的生命,并且能影响你周围的人。因此,你要坚持读《圣经》。 The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©...

A prayer of forgiveness

‘Forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.’ Ephesians  4:32 NLT The Bible says, ‘Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you’ (Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT). Are you struggling to forgive someone? Here is a prayer: ‘Lord, I praise You for forgiving me and washing my sins away. Reveal anything I need to confess to You today so that I can bring it before You and be cleansed and set free, especially any place in my heart where I have not forgiven someone. I know how subtly resentment and bitterness...


污言秽语一句都不可出口,要随时随地说造就人的好话。(以弗所书4:29) 如何处理婚姻中的冲突,比冲突本身更加重要。雪伊·格雷厄姆·科斯(Shae Graham Kosch)博士已婚三十二年,做婚姻辅导也有这么长的时间了。她说:“婚姻中大部分的冲突其实从来没有得到解决。关于姻亲、孩子、金钱,总有一些问题,重要的是要保持积极的心态。……接受别人的观点,以合宜的态度来讨论问题,不挑剔或责怪对方。你的态度会带来深远的影响。彼此理解和尊重的夫妻不会分离。”所罗门说:“出言不慎犹如利剑伤人,智者之言却能医治创伤。”(箴言12:18) 婚姻是上帝设立的特别关系。“夫妻不再是两个人,而是一体了。”(马太福音19:6)因此,当出现冲突时:一、处理问题,而不是彼此攻击;二、保持冷静,这样对方可能会更重视你;三、选择解决问题的最佳时间,而不是在你们双方都精疲力倦、孩子们都饥肠辘辘的时候;四、考虑对方的观点,男人和女人看事情的方式不一样;五、记住有时你必须妥协,有时你的配偶会妥协;六、谨慎选择言辞,“污言秽语一句都不可出口,要随时随地说造就人的好话,使听的人得益处。”(以弗所书4:29)“你们要彼此鼓励、互相造就。”(帖撒罗尼迦前书5:11)“要互相饶恕。”(以弗所书4:32)“互相代祷。”(雅各书5:16)“彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善。”(希伯来书10:24)“要分担彼此的重担。”(加拉太书6:2)“互相尊重,彼此谦让。”(罗马书12:10)这基本上概括了解决冲突的方法。 The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and...

Use your God-given creativity

‘He has filled them with skill to do all manner of work.’ Exodus 3 5:35 NKJV The Bible says God ‘filled them with skill to do all manner of work of the engraver and the designer and the tapestry maker, in blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine linen, and of the weaver – those who do every work and those who design artistic works’ (Exodus 35:35 NKJV). When God calls you to do something, He has already placed within you the ability to accomplish it. Satan hopes you never discover that. He wants you to remain trapped in the status quo, believing that the way things are is how they will always be. Not so! When you change your thinking, your life begins to change. ‘For as he thinks in his...


爱是……不自私自利。(哥林多前书13:5) 除了妻子藏匿于床底的那个鞋盒以外,这对庆祝五十年金婚的夫妇之间没有任何秘密。她同意让丈夫看鞋盒里的东西,他发现有两个钩针编织的娃娃和五万美元的现金。她解释说:“多年前,我母亲告诉我,幸福婚姻的秘诀就是绝不要争吵。因此,我生气的时候就保持沉默,用钩针编织娃娃。”丈夫很开心,因为在这五十年间她只生过他两次气。他说:“亲爱的,这就解释了两个娃娃的由来,但是那五万美元呢?”她微笑着回答:“那是卖娃娃得来的。” 婚姻疗法通常要求“积极倾听”,通过解释、认同和正面的反馈来肯定你的配偶。但研究表明,许多夫妻对结果并不总是感到满意,而且问题还在不断出现。约翰·戈特曼(John Gottman)博士说:“那是因为我们要求他们在几乎还不会爬的时候就做奥林匹克式的体操。”因此,苏珊·布恩(Susan Boon)建议,确定必须解决的问题,学会去接受还未解决的。慢慢地变通这些问题,承诺要彼此相守。针对每一个消极的经历,找出五个积极的经历来抵消。脏袜子、呼噜声、温控设置、不叠被子等等习惯都有可能使对方抓狂。我们必须学会“要存敬畏基督的心彼此顺服。”(以弗所书5:21)另外,还要记得:“爱是……不轻浮无礼,不自私自利,不轻易动怒,不怀怨记恨……”(哥林多前书13:4-5)说到这,你做得怎么样? The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©...

Money matters in marriage

‘He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house.’ Proverbs 1 5:27 NKJV Today one of the biggest sources of conflict in marriage is money. That is because a husband and wife often have opposite ideas about how money ought to be used. Stop and consider the words ‘delayed gratification’. When one spouse is willing to delay purchasing something until their financial house is in order, but the other one isn’t, the battle lines begin to form. Another disagreement that can arise is deciding when and for what credit should be obtained. This is very dangerous territory. Nothing irritates a disciplined, thrifty person more than living with someone who wastes their income and their future earnings...