Operations & Procedures

Website Helps – Newsletter Plugin

If you have ever wanted to send email updates to all your contacts as well as manage your contacts, you can do this with…

This plugin enables you to manage all your contacts as well as send engaging emails to them. The document below will walk you through creating your first Newsletter.

If you want to see a preview of this plugin or you would like to talk about this more please email me [email protected] and I will contact you about setting up a time to go through this.

Setting up Email Signature in Web Outlook

The clip will guide you through setting up your email signature in your outlook web browser.

Below is an example of the Signature that we use: It contains personal contact information, identifies the organisation, and includes links to our website.

Henry Peterson
Digital Content Specialist
Mobile +61 123 456 789

United Christian Broadcasters Asia Pacific
Locked Bag 3, Springwood, QLD 4127

Website Helps – Creating a Post

We aim to empower and equip you all, enabling you to create unique content and develop your website’s distinctive flavor.

The following document will walk you through creating a post on your website.

If you want to find out more about this please email me [email protected] and I will contact you about setting up a time to go through this.

Email Etiquette Tips

The following tips is what we utilise between our UCB Asia Pacific team. This is a great way to help you navigate and prioritise your emails.

Two important things to note:

  1. When we use To, CC or BCC in our emails.
    1. The people in the To section are generally the people to whom the message is addressed.  If there is a response required or questions in the email, these are the people who should respond.
    2. The People in the CC These are the people that we want to be aware of the conversation Their input is not ‘required’ but it is useful and/or desirable that they are fully aware of the conversation.
    3. The people in the BCC These people are being included in a conversation. The sender wants them to be aware of what is being emailed but without others necessarily being aware they are in the conversation.  It isn’t always a big secret J but sometimes we might want to let someone ‘quietly’ know about what is going on.
  2. By default you should normally do a “reply to all” in your response so that all the To and all the CC people remain in the conversation.  However it is also important that you DON’T  reply to all for any emails that you receive where you are in the BCC. For these emails you should reply only to the sender.  The sender obviously had their reasons for not wanting the other recipients to know you’d been included, so it is best that you respect their wishes.

So, when you receive an email it is important that you take notice of whether if you are a TO or a CC – or if you aren’t in those then you’re in the BCC.

If you’re a To, then please respond with a “reply to all” with your answer to any questions or requests.

If you’re a CC – then read and file the email away

If you’re a BCC – don’t reply!  or if you do reply ONLY TO THE SENDER