A Long Awaited Return

Aug 2, 2023

Ps Elienae


We received this amazing Testimony about a Chuch in Oecusse from Pastor Elienae at our Radio Voz team in Dili, Timor Leste. It is encouraging to hear how God’s Church continues to thrive even after great persecution, God is Faithful!

In 2010, a Church in Oecusse was shut just after its inauguration, due to violent persecution. The local authorities decided to stop the church activities to avoid any more problems or issues that could arise. But what was supposed to be a short closure period of time, actually took 12 years to reopen. So for the past 12 years, the believers worshiped in a small straw house. Then in December 2022, the local court made a courageous decision in favor of the church and allowed it to reopen. At the beginning of 2023, we renovated the church building and started to use it again for worship services. The video below is a clip from Pastor Elienae speaking in Portuguese about this historic moment.

Pastor Elienae


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