A youth leader in Nepal loves The Word for Today

Apr 9, 2021

Street in KathmanduGreetings!!

I’m doing fellowship in Emmanuel Ecclesia Church as a youth leader. I have started hearing The Word for Today when I was in Grade 12th. Now, it’s been a long time I’m continuously listening and reading The Word for Today in my daily morning devotion with my family members. I’m also using The Word for Today in my youth fellowship to teach other young people.

I’m so blessed to have this devotional book in my life. This devotional book helps me a lot in my hard time and also helps to grow spiritually. I’m really grateful to the team MOH Nepal.

Thank you!
Prabin – Dang, Nepal

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Thank you for The Word for Today

Thank you so much for the copies of The Word for Today to our receptions desk, I confirm received 101 Books, Please note that donation will be done...