Christian Radio in Butwal

Nov 23, 2020

Last week our Message of Hope Nepal team travelled to Butwal, near the Indian border, to renew Radio Chhimeki’s broadcasts.

The guys (and girl) from UCB Asia Pacific, MOH and radio Chhimeki get together in Butwal

Radio Chhimeki has been on air for many years but recently has been struggling to maintain it’s broadcasts. So they have partnered up with Message of Hope Nepal and together they are going to work on providing the people of Butwal with a renewed and refreshed Christian radio station.

As one of the first key steps we provided a licence so they could install StationPlaylist. This is the software “engine’ that drives the station. It is a powerful and flexible, professional tool that will enable the team to manage the music and spoken programs they play as well as giving them the option to record announcers ahead of time so the station can sound ‘live’ even when no-one is in the studio.

We look forward to helping this further in coming weeks as they continue to support and work on the station ‘sound’.

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Thank you for The Word for Today

Thank you so much for the copies of The Word for Today to our receptions desk, I confirm received 101 Books, Please note that donation will be done...