Hope for people fleeing the Ukraine

Apr 7, 2022

People fleeing their homes in the Ukraine have many urgent needs. One thing that God offers everyone is HOPE! and what better way to share this than through the reading of Scripture, or more specifically The Word for Today.

The special edition of The Word for Today being given out in Keiv

Our sister ministry UCB Hungary asked for our help with printing a special edition just for the refugees, and thanks to your generous support we were in a position to immediately help.

Nandor Nemes, Deputy Chairman of UCB Hungary Alapítvány, writes…

Until this day we have already printed 50.000 copies of the Strength for the Spirit / a booklet of the Ukrainian The Word for Today (32 days in it). We have already distributed more then 42.000 copies from this amount. We sent copies to France, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Romania. Most of them were taken over to Ukraine and are distributed by our volunteers and also by an other Hungarian Aid organization, called: Eastern-European Mission who take humanitarian help to Ukraine. Also many copies are distributed here in Hungary among the Ukrainian refugees. (see the picture attached which shows that they take the book to Kiev)

We already translated the 90 days of faith, hope and courage booklet and now we are working on the ready printed file so that we can print it out in 50.000 copies.

We already started a webpage for the Ukrainian Word for Today, this is: https://slovodljatebe.org.ua/  (though we still need to work on it…) and also we started a Facebook page for it (still working on it): https://www.facebook.com/slovodljatebe  We plan to develop both platforms as far as we can.

We are planning to continue to translate, print a distribute the Ukrainian The Word for Today as far as the funds will allow us.

Thank you for enabling this ministry to take place, and please keep praying for all our brothers and sisters, both in the Asia Pacific region and around the world.


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