Still bringing hope

May 5, 2020

At our staff meeting last week Aimee shared from Psalm 138:2

For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.

This is a great reminder about how important God’s Word is – and why we are so passionate about getting it out through the airwaves.

Speaking of The Word…

It’s great to hear that The Word for Today is getting out and blessing people.

We’ve been receiving very encouraging reports and great testimonies from PNG, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands from people being blessed as they have received a copy of The Word for Today.

Many of these are shared here on our website.

Back on air in Honiara

Meanwhile in Honiara, Solomon Islands, our team has been hard at work diagnosing what the problem was that had kept our station off air. It turns out that the power supply for the tablet had given up  – which sounds simple but when it’s intermittent, you don’t have a multimeter and your ‘expert’ is some guy in Brisbane trying to help through Facebook Messenger texts and pictures, it’s not straightforward at all.

Online Giving

This website now has the option for you to be able to give securely via your credit card. Gifts can be any amount and your can choose a general gift or any of our specific projects. You are very welcome to try it out.

Living Life to the Full

Even in this season of COVID-19 restrictions and uncertainly, God is on His throne. We all need to continue to pray for our leaders and every nation as they try to shepherd their people through these very trying times.

The fields are ripe of the harvest and everyday is a day closer to Jesus’ return, so we are glad to have your partnership in ministry on this journey of faith. As together we preach the Gospel and made disciples.

You can read more Testimonies here…

Thank you for The Word for Today

Thank you so much for the copies of The Word for Today to our receptions desk, I confirm received 101 Books, Please note that donation will be done...