‘...the bush burned…yet was not consumed.’ Exodus 3:2 AMP Remember the story of the burning bush? It burned, but it didn’t burn out. Some people who once burned for God have burned out. Loyal workers in the church for years, suddenly they vanish. Herbert J....
Living without Regret
‘...that I may finish my race with joy...’ Acts 20:24 NKJV Imagine your life is over and you’re standing in front of a big DVD player. God inserts a disc with your name on it labelled: ‘What might have been’. It details everything He wanted to accomplish through you:...
Do You Know Why You’re Living?
‘...for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world...’ John 18:37 NIV Jesus knew exactly why He lived: ‘For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.’ That’s what He thought about, prayed about, planned for,...
Getting Out of a Spiritual Slump (2)
‘Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He talked with [God]...’ Genesis 35:14 NKJV When you think about God’s faithfulness to you it causes hope to rise in your soul. It enables you to face the future with confidence and say, ‘He is the faithful God, keeping His...
Getting Out of a Spiritual Slump (1)
‘As soon as they began singing...’ 2 Chronicles 20:22 CEV Here’s a simple but effective formula for handling a spiritual slump. Praise your way out! David starts Psalm 22 by asking, ‘God, why have You forsaken me?’ and goes on, ‘You… dwell… [where]… praises… [are...
Tell ‘The Whole Truth’
‘...we will hold to the truth in love...’ Ephesians 4:15 NLT A son who’d just got his driver’s licence told his parents he was meeting his friends at a restaurant. But what he didn’t say was that the restaurant had several locations and his friends were at one 100 km...
Use Your Time Wisely
‘Making the most of your time...’ Ephesians 5:16 NAS If you’re wise you’ll spend time to stop and think about how you’re spending your time. Have heard about ‘to-do’ lists? Do you know the story of where the idea came from? In 1918 Charles M. Schwab was president of...
‘Lord, Help Us to See’
‘…think of what you were when you were called...’ 1 Corinthians 1:26 NIV Jesus didn’t see people as losers, but as potential winners who’d lost their way. He ‘...was moved with compassion for them...’ (Mark 6:34 NKJV) He saw them through God’s eyes: not weeds, but...
Do You Need Direction?
‘The Lord watches over the path of the godly...’ Psalm 1:6 NLT God will speak to you through your relationships with people. Sometimes He will give you direct revelation, but often He will speak to you through relationships. His Word says, ‘Remember your leaders, who...
When Someone Stumbles, Help Them (3)
‘...restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness...’ Galatians 6:1 NAS Why is restoration necessary? To preserve their life. ‘...Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death...’ (James 5:20 NIV) When someone you love is sinning, they’re...
Most Recent Devotional Readings
‘Kita tahu’
‘Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia.’ Roma 8:28 Salah satu ayat Kitab Suci yang paling sering dikutip dan menghibur di dalam Alkitab: ‘Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut...
‘We know’
‘We know that all things work together for good to those who love God.’ Romans 8:28 NKJV This is one of the most often quoted and comforting Scriptures in the Bible: ‘We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called...
Dapatkan hasil maksimal dari Alkitab Anda (2)
‘Bila tersingkap, firman-firman-Mu memberi terang...’ Mazmur 119:130 Presiden Amerika Woodrow Wilson berkata, ’Saya kasihan kepada orang-orang yang tidak membaca Alkitab setiap hari; Saya bertanya-tanya mengapa mereka menghilangkan kekuatan dan kesenangan dari diri...
Getting the most out of your Bible (2)
‘The unfolding of your words gives light ...’ Psalm 11 9:130 NIV American President Woodrow Wilson said: ‘I am sorry for men who do not read the Bible every day; I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and of the pleasure. It is one of the most singular...
Dapatkan hasil maksimal dari Alkitab Anda (1)
‘Mengejarnya seperti mengejar harta terpendam.’ Amsal 2:4 Kalau dipikir-pikir, mempelajari Alkitab itu seperti mencari emas atau perak. Ini melibatkan dua hal: 1) Anda harus mencarinya. Salomo menulis, ‘jikalau engkau mencarinya seperti mencari perak, dan mengejarnya...
Getting the most out of your Bible (1)
‘Search for it as for hidden treasure.’ Proverbs 2:4 NIV When you think about it, studying the Bible is like prospecting for gold or silver. It involves two things: 1) You must look for it. Solomon writes, ‘If you look for it as for silver and search for it as for...
Apa yang diketahui bayi-bayi
‘Seorang bapa memberitahukan kesetiaan-Mu kepada anak-anaknya.’ Yesaya 38:19 Seorang peneliti di Universitas Johns Hopkins memberi tahu kita bahwa anak-anak berusia delapan bulan mampu mendengar dan mengingat kata-kata, baik atau buruk. 'Telinga kecil...
What babies know
‘The father shall make known Your truth to the children.’ Isaiah 3 8:19 NKJV A researcher at Johns Hopkins University informed us that children as young as eight months old are capable of hearing and remembering words, good or bad. ‘Little ears are listening,’ said Dr...
Pertumbuhan rohani membutuhkan waktu
‘Jika ia mati, ia akan menghasilkan banyak buah.’ Yohanes 12:24 Tuhan membutuhkan dua hari untuk menumbuhkan jamur tetapi 60 tahun untuk menumbuhkan pohon ek. Jadi, apakah Anda ingin menjadi jamur atau pohon ek? Pertumbuhan rohani membutuhkan waktu. Pernahkah Anda...
Spiritual growth takes time
‘If it dies, it bears much fruit.’ John 1 2:24 ESV God takes two days to grow a mushroom but 60 years to grow an oak tree. So, would you like to be a mushroom or an oak tree? Spiritual growth takes time. Have you been wondering, ‘Why is it taking me so long to...