Are You Praying For An Unsaved Loved One?

‘He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish.’ 2 Peter 3:9 NIV If you’re praying for an unsaved loved one, here is a Bible promise you can stand on today: ‘He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’ Remove the...

Reading The Bible Will Change Your Life

‘The entrance of Your words gives light.’ Psalm 119:130 NKJV In December 2005, Brian Hardin says God told him to podcast the Bible. Hardin writes: ‘On New Year’s Eve when I read my first podcast… I said, “I’m Brian… I have no broadcast experience. I really don’t know...

God’s Recovery Plan For You

‘Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.’ 1 Samuel 30:8 NKJV God’s Word promises that whatever you are addicted to today, you can be set free from. And there’s more! You can get back what you’ve lost, or something even better. How? By...

Depend Completely On God

‘Our competence comes from God. He has made us competent.’ 2 Corinthians 3:5–6 NIV Jesus told His disciples, ‘Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ (Matthew 26:41 NKJV) What did He mean by that? He meant...

God Will Vindicate You

‘Vindication will come from Me.’ Isaiah 54:17 NLT Have you been falsely accused? So was Jesus. They called Him a glutton, a drunkard, and a friend of low-life sinners. They accused the apostle Paul of being a madman, a fool, and a babbler. Jesus called Satan the...

Are You Asking God For A Child?

‘For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition.’ 1 Samuel 1:27 NKJV Hannah wanted to be a mother so badly that ‘she… prayed to the Lord and wept.’ (1 Samuel 1:10 NKJV) In fact, she made a vow to God, pledging that if He gave her a son, she would...

How To Win Life’s Battles (6)

‘Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord.’ 2 Chronicles 20:21 NIV Sixth, thank God in advance. Imagine standing on a mountaintop looking across a valley towards a mountain on the other side. A big battle is about to take place down below. On one mountain, three...

How To Win Life’s Battles (5)

‘Stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.’ 2 Chronicles 20:17 NIV Fifth, stand firm. Notice what God told Jehoshaphat: ‘Stand firm.’ What does it mean to ‘stand firm’ when you’re in a crisis? It’s a mental attitude of quiet confidence that says, ‘I’m...

How To Win Life’s Battles (4)

‘The battle is not yours, but God’s.’ 2 Chronicles 20:15 NIV Fourth, learn to relax in faith. Notice how God responded to Jehoshaphat’s prayer: ‘The battle is not yours, but God’s.’ Many of us wear ourselves out trying to fight God’s battles in our own strength. In...

How To Win Life’s Battles (3)

‘Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord.’ 2 Chronicles 20:3 NKJV Third, take your problems to the Lord. In the midst of his crisis, Jehoshaphat ‘set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast.’ Prayer is often the last thing we think of. Why?...

Most Recent Devotional Readings

Keep hope alive

‘Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.’ Hebrews 11:1 NASB At some stage in our lives, most of us will have experienced times when things looked hopeless. But, when you decide things are hopeless, you slam the door in God’s face....

Jaga harapan tetap hidup

‘Iman adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu yang kita harapkan dan bukti dari segala sesuatu yang tidak kita lihat.’ Ibrani 11:1  Pada tahap tertentu dalam hidup kita, sebagian besar dari kita akan atau telah melalui saat-saat ketika segala sesuatunya tampak tidak ada...

Tackle your giant head-on

‘David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone.’ 1 Samuel 17:50 NKJV Pastor Chuck Swindoll says: ‘Goliath reminds me of the visually impaired discus thrower. He didn’t set any records… but he sure kept the crowd awake! Every day, Goliath paraded along...

Hadapi raksasa Anda secara langsung

‘Demikianlah Daud mengalahkan orang Filistin itu dengan umban dan batu.’ 1 Samuel 17:50  Pendeta Chuck Swindoll berkata: ‘Goliat mengingatkan saya pada pelempar cakram yang tunanetra. Dia tidak membuat rekor apa pun… tapi dia berhasil membuat penonton tetap terjaga!...

Being friends with God

‘The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.’ Exodus 33:11 NLT When you talk to a close friend, you’re relaxed, trusting, unguarded, and open. There is no need to watch what you say. You can express how you feel without fearing you will be...

Berteman dengan Tuhan

‘Dan TUHAN berbicara kepada Musa dengan berhadapan muka seperti seorang berbicara kepada temannya.’ Keluaran 33:11  Saat Anda berbicara dengan teman dekat, Anda bersikap santai, percaya, bebas, dan terbuka. Tidak perlu memperhatikan apa yang Anda katakan. Anda bisa...

Ayo kerja sama

‘Karena kami adalah kawan sekerja Allah.’ 1 Korintus 3:9  Alkitab mengatakan kita harus mengasihi, menghormati, dan bekerja sama. Jadi kenapa kita tidak melakukannya? Ego! Kita suka berpikir bahwa kita bisa melakukan segalanya sendiri—tapi itu bukan kenyataan! Tidak...

Let’s work together

‘For we are labourers together with God.’ 1 Corinthians 3:9 KJV The Bible says we must love, honour, and work together. So, why don’t we do it? Ego! We like to think we can do everything ourselves—but that’s not reality! There are no supermen or superwomen. So, the...

The right attitude

‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’ Proverbs 23:7 NKJV What separates the best from the rest? Have you ever given that some thought? What separates a gold medallist from a silver medallist in the Olympics? What separates a successful entrepreneur from someone...

Sikap yang benar

‘Sebab seperti orang yang membuat perhitungan dalam dirinya sendiri demikianlah ia.’ Amsal 23:7  Apa yang membedakan yang terbaik dari yang lain? Pernahkah Anda memikirkan hal itu? Apa yang membedakan peraih medali emas dengan peraih medali perak di Olimpiade? Apa...