Gen 17-19, Luke 7:1-10, Ps 107:17-22, Pro 3:21-24
Today’s Readings 31Jan2023
Today’s Readings 30Jan2023
Gen 13-16, Luke 6:37-49, Ps 107:10-16, Pro 3:19-20
Today’s Readings 30Jan2023
Today’s Readings 29Jan2023
Phil 2:1-13, Exo 14:5-31
Today’s Readings 29Jan2023
Today’s Readings 28Jan2023
Gen 10-12, Luke 6:27-36, Ps 107:1-9, Pro 3:13-18
Today’s Readings 28Jan2023
Today’s Readings 27Jan2023
Gen 7-9, Luke 6:17-26, Ps 104:24-35, Pro 3:11-12
Today’s Readings 27Jan2023
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