The Blessing Of Repentance (2)

‘Create in me a clean heart.’ Psalm 51:10 NKJV Sometimes believers think that God will get frustrated and impatient with them if they don’t shape up to a model Christian life. They don’t like to excuse their behaviour, but because God hasn’t smacked them down, they...

The Blessing of Repentance (1)

‘The kindness of God leads you to repentance.’ Romans 2:4 NASB When you find yourself on the wrong road, repentance allows you to make a U-turn and head back in the right direction. What a blessing. Now, repenting doesn’t increase God’s desire to be with you; it just...

Knowing Who Belongs In Your Life

‘A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity.’ Proverbs 17:17 AMPC Wherever you live and whatever your job, teacher, road worker or business person, you will have to deal with these three kinds of people: (1) The critic. Let’s face it,...

Cultivating A Taste For God’s Word

‘How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!’ Psalm 119:103 NIV The fact that we now enjoy the vegetables we hated as children indicates that, as we mature, we can cultivate [develop] a taste for healthy, life-giving food. And since the Bible...

Are You At The End Of Your Rope?

‘Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart.’ Psalm 27:14 NKJV David said: ‘I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He...

How To Keep A Good Attitude

‘I will praise You seven times a day.’ Psalm 119:164 TLB A bad attitude is like a flat tyre; you won’t get anywhere until you change it. Few things in life are more important than your attitude, and here are four ways to help you keep a good one: (1) Realise your...

Seek God’s Approval, Not People’s

‘Fearing people is a dangerous trap.’ Proverbs 29:25 NLT If your life’s goal is to have the approval of people, you will never really feel secure. Why is that? Because the time will come when you do something they disapprove of; then what? The Bible says, ‘Fearing...

Feed Your Mind Good Stuff

‘I have taught you in the way of wisdom.’ Proverbs 4:11 NKJV Every day we are bombarded with messages from the media, employers, co-workers, people we meet, books, music—and from our own thoughts. Satan works in two ways. First, he tries to feed you with stuff like...

You Belong To God

‘You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people.’ Ephesians 2:19 NIV His purpose was to create in Himself one new humanity [people] out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the...

God Has Placed You Where He Wants You

‘You were made queen for just such a time as this.’ Esther 4:14 NLT The story of Esther teaches us two important truths: (1) You need mentors to guide you. Because she was willing to listen to Mordecai, Esther discovered that her calling wasn’t just to be a queen but...

Most Recent Devotional Readings

Servants for life

‘Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle.’ Romans  1:1 NASB In the Bible the word minister isn’t just a noun (which denotes a person, place, or thing); it’s also a verb (an action word). It’s what you do, not what you claim to be. In Scripture, the...

Pelayan seumur hidup

‘Dari Paulus, hamba Kristus Yesus, yang dipanggil menjadi rasul.’ Roma 1:1  Dalam Alkitab kata pelayan bukan hanya kata benda (yang menunjukkan seseorang, tempat, atau benda); itu juga kata kerja (kata tindakan). Itu adalah apa yang Anda lakukan, bukan apa yang Anda...

Build a relationship with your children

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.’ Psalm 12 7:1 NIV How would you describe your relationship with your children? Strained? Exciting? Heart-breaking? Enjoyable? If you want a real eye-opener, ask them to describe their feelings about you...

Bangunlah hubungan dengan anak-anak Anda

‘Jikalau bukan TUHAN yang membangun rumah, sia-sialah usaha orang yang membangunnya.’ Mazmur 127:1  Bagaimana menggambarkan hubungan Anda dengan anak-anak Anda? Tegang? Menyakitkan hati? Menyenangkan? Jika Anda ingin benar-benar membuka mata, mintalah mereka untuk...

Today, choose the right attitude

‘Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’ Romans 1 2:2 NASB Long before William James, the Father of American psychology, was attributed with saying, ‘The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes,’...

Hari ini, pilihlah sikap yang tepat

‘Tetapi berubahlah oleh pembaharuan budimu.’ Roma 12:2  Jauh sebelum William James, Bapak psikologi Amerika, mengatakan, 'Penemuan terbesar generasi saya adalah bahwa manusia dapat mengubah hidup mereka dengan mengubah sikap mereka,' kata Tuhan, 'Sebab...

Beware of self-pity

‘No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.’ 1 Corinthians 1 0:24 NIV Self-pity can be deadly. It tells the wife and mother who works hard, ‘You’re not appreciated.’ It says to the office worker, ‘Look how valuable you are, yet you’re never recognised...

Waspadalah saat mengasihi diri sendiri

‘Jangan seorangpun yang mencari keuntungannya sendiri, tetapi hendaklah tiap-tiap orang mencari keuntungan orang lain.’ 1 Korintus 10:24  Mengasihani diri sendiri bisa mematikan. Seperti memberitahu istri dan ibu yang bekerja keras, 'Kamu tidak dihargai.'...

He will do it again!

‘Jacob set up a memorial stone in the place where He had spoken with him,’ Genesis 3 5:14 NASB There are events in all our lives that, looking back, had to be the hand of God at work. Maybe you bumped into somebody who introduced you to your spouse, or a co-worker...

Ia akan melakukannya lagi!

‘Kemudian Yakub mendirikan tugu di tempat itu, yakni tugu batu; ia mempersembahkan korban curahan dan menuangkan minyak di atasnya,’ Kejadian 35:14  Ada peristiwa-peristiwa dalam hidup kita yang, jika dilihat ke belakang, pastilah tangan Tuhan yang bekerja. Mungkin...