Succession Planning

I recently attended a CMA hosted Webinar with Author Steve Woodworth looking at Christian Ministries and Succession Planning. These are my notes: Lessons from the Most Successful and Most Disastrous Ministry Successions Book – Lost in Transition – Steve...

Managing Change

As leaders it is our responsibility to ensure our ministry is on course, achieving the Vision and Mission. Sometimes doing what we have always done is not enough, we need to change and adapt our practices or ministry structure to continue to be effective.  Managing...

The 5 Levels of Leadership

By John Maxwell  A business executive. A softball coach. A classroom teacher. A volunteer coordinator. A parent. Whether you’re one of these things or all of these things, one thing remains true: You are a leader. But where are you on your leadership journey, and...
Let us launch into the Deep

Let us launch into the Deep

“As we launch into this New Year of 2022, let us continue to pray that things will ease up and for the borders to re-open and to get back to normal”; but the reality is that we may never fully return to what was “normal” So perhaps it is time to enter a new season,...

Time Is Not A Commodity…

Time is not a Commodity …It is a gift from God which needs to be stewarded Wisely! Scripture tells us that there is a time for everything – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be...
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

The process New groups Strategic planning involves defining what you want your group to achieve and making decisions on the best way to get it done. Your strategic plan should answer these three questions: What do we do? Who do we do it for? How do we excel? Once you...