Christmas 2018

Dec 20, 2018

Christmas 2018

by Dec 20, 2018updates0 comments

PNG Trip
Roly and Grant’s trip to PNG was very successful. They were able to get the station in Lae (PNG’s second largest city) back on air with a new 150Watt transmitter and folded dipole aerial. The extra expense was definitely worth it as the coverage and listenability of the station is now much, much improved.

We gave Mathew (Pictured) the local CBM manager the honour of switching it all on since all the gear is housed at his offices/warehouse.

We have also just appointed Issac Funu as our Team Leader/Station Manager in Wewak. Issac has been with UCB for a number of years and brings his wonderful heart and deep commitment to UCB to this new role for him.

The faulty UCB Inspirational transmitter in Wewak turned out to be a bigger problem than we could deal with so it is now back in Brisbane waiting to go back to the manufacturer. We put a little 25w transmitter up the mountain and were pleasantly surprised with the coverage it gives.

We also met up briefly with Andrew Ogil, our The Word for Today printer, while overnighting in Port Moresby. Subsequent to that meeting he has undertaken to cover the printing cost of 6,000 copies as his ministry starting with the May June July 2019 edition. This is fantastic news and a very generous offer that we praise God for!


The YWAM team are now in the Solomons and have delivered the posters and programme guides for the people of Munda. Dennis was very happy to receive them. With the cost and inconvenience of trying to freight things to the islands this opportunity to work with YWAM was a welcome relief and answer to prayer.

We received a good report too from our friend Eddie who hosts our Auki station so I might need to find a way to get some posters and programme guides to him too.

Shanti (our Manager) recently wrote…”Last month the team went to one small village named ‘Lele Bhardeu’ which is about 25 km from Kathmandu. There were about 40 people from 10 different churches. They approached themselves and wanted to hear more about MoH ministry. We were able to distribute 500 copies of devotion book and promoted our programs specially the word for today, daily devotion. Everyone present there were very enthusiastic to meet the team.”

She also shared the following testimonies…
Thank You Message of Nepal for the daily devotional message about ”real Friendship”, Amen I got real friend among many selfish people as you said dear almighty God but is a really planning of our Lord. Rocky Desolve
I am blessed by today’s word of God who is our creator and who always take care about us in any situation so thank you lord for new day and life amen. Thank You Message of Hope Nepal Team. Rajkumar Kusmi
Thank You Message of hope team from your facebook post devotional message always feel blessed, encouraged so every early morning I am eagerly waiting to listen. Thank so much for delivering us word of God. Sneha Lepcha

You can read more Testimonies here…

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