
To be successful simply…

Do the best you can – with what you’ve got

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Thank you – two small words with huge impact.

Thank You image

In a recent email Tom Ahern referred to Thanking Donors as the “Secret Sauce” for your fundraising efforts.  He went on to talk about the importance of thanking sincerely and thanking fast. In fact there is evidence that if you personally thank a first time donor within 48 hours of their gift, they are 400% more likely to make a second gift!

400%! – That’s worth hand-writing a card or picking up the phone.  Especially if you also know that 70-80% of first time donors won’t give again.

Finding new donors is a lot of hard work.  It is actually much easier to look after the ones you have adn it is very worthwhile putting time adn effort into looking after them well.

Thanking should be seen as a high-impact, high-reward, and integral part of your fundraising strategy.

How to Plan a Nonprofit Fundraising Event – pdf

This guide is designed to keep your team aligned, help you stay on budget, and save you lots of time. So take a deep breath, enjoy the read, and consider implementing these best practices and simple tech tools that will help you stress less and raise more money at your next event.

33 Pages, PDF format

Record Your Donor Details

Here is a simple Excel spreadsheet for recording your donor details.


Read a little more on CRM systems.

Moses Was Asked…

Do what you can with what you’ve got! This is probably the best piece of fundraising advice I’ve heard in a very long time. Do what you can with what you’ve got! Those of us at last week’s UCB Family Meeting heard Ian talk about the early years of Vision/UCB...

Finding New Board Members

Recently the Non Profit Times published the following helpful advice on their website regarding where to look for new Board members.  You can read it for yourself at The Plan To Replace Board Members “The first step is to consider to whom...

Fundraising is not all up to you

Time and time again a reading in The Word for Today provides us a really good reminder of how fundraising for our ministry is actually in God's hands. We can often worry that it is all up to us to get people to donate and if they don’t we take it as a bit of a...

Don’t be Boring

Don’t be Boring

The first lesson on not being boring is that you need to look at what you're saying from the point of view of the reader or listener. Because you've invested your time and your effort in the project saying "We've just put on a new station in Nameavillage" will excite...

Value Small Gifts

Value Small Gifts

Something from Bob Gass that applies 100% to Fundraising Don’t belittle your gift ‘Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.’ Ephesians 3:20 Next time you see a big oak tree, remind yourself that it began as a tiny acorn. What...

Why Record Donor Details?

Did you know that it costs more, and you have to work a lot harder, to get a first donation from someone than it is to get their second or third or 27th donation from them? That is why there is so much emphasis put on what fundraisers call ‘Donor Retention’. So the...

Surveys and Opinions

Surveys and Opinions

Surveys and asking people for their opinion can be a helpful tool but they can also be very misleading.  Especially when it comes to fundraising. First off, understand that your donors really want to give you truthful and helpful answers to your questions. After all,...

Fundraising Leaders

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written:  “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”  Now he who...

Getting to know your Donors

Why record details? Did you know that it costs more, and you have to work a lot harder, to get a first donation from someone than it is to get the second or third or… donation? That is why there is so much emphasis put on what fundraisers call ‘Donor Retention’. So...

Recommended Websites

There are a number of websites available with great ideas to help you with all aspects of your fundraising. Here are a few we have found useful.

Future Fundraising Now

A huge resource library of valuable tips are available here.  I highly recommend you sign up for the daily emails as they are short and cover one simple subject.

Non Profit Story Telling

Don’t be confused by the title (or the website) this is a lot more than just a conference.  There is a wealth of information on this site, mostly in the form of short videos, about how to ‘tell stories’. Because telling stories is a key to successful fundraising.

Again they offer a free subscription to a weekly email.


Servants for life

‘Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle.’ Romans  1:1 NASB

In the Bible the word minister isn’t just a noun (which denotes a person, place, or thing); it’s also a verb (an action word). It’s what you do, not what you claim to be. In Scripture, the word servant sometimes referred to a 3rd-level galley slave chained to the oar of a Roman ship. Day and night, they rowed to the beat of another, and whether in battle or in merchant service, they expected to die chained to that oar. What a picture!

Paul says, ‘Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable’ (Romans 12:1 NLT). Paul had no doubt about what God had called him to be. When he referred to himself as a bond-servant, he was describing a slave who served his master faithfully for six years. In the 7th year, the law of Moses required that the slave be set free. But if, when he was released, he came back and said, ‘Master, I’m not serving you because I have to; I’m serving you because I want to,’ his master would take him before a magistrate and pierce his ear, signifying that he belonged to him forever (see Exodus 21:6). Sometimes you need to look up and say: ‘Lord, I’m not serving you because I have to; I’m serving you because I love you. Pierce my ear. Mark me as yours. Bond me with you so I can never belong to another.’

When you think of everything Jesus has done for you, is that really too much to ask?

SoulFood: Acts 20-21, Mark 5:1-10, Ps 144:1-8, Pro 11:10-11

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

Learn To Think ‘Right’

‘The thoughts of the righteous are right.’ Proverbs 12:5 NKJV

Your mind can work for you or against you. When it works for you, it helps you to stay positive, reach your goals, and enjoy each day. But when it works against you, it can make you negative and discouraged, hold you back, and cause you to think thoughts that result in self-sabotage. So teach your mind to work for you instead of against you.

An important way to do this is to make an intentional decision that you’ll begin to think positively—in terms of faith and not fear. Now, your brain won’t be able to fulfil this new role overnight. You may be asking it to undergo a radical transformation, and that takes time. But determine that with your diligence and God’s help, instead of working against you, your brain will go to work for you and become a positive force in your life.

Dr Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, points out that the brain takes decades to grow, and a lifetime to mature. Don’t miss this point! While every organ in your body was fully formed when you were born and got bigger as your body grew, your brain actually takes a full 25 years to grow. And once it’s fully formed, it continues to mature until the day you die. That means no matter how old you are, your brain is still growing. This is great news, because it means you don’t have to stay stuck in old or wrong thought patterns. Your brain is still maturing, which means you can still improve in your thinking.

As the Bible says, ‘The thoughts of the righteous are right.’

SoulFood: 2 Pet 1–3, John 4:27–38, Ps 87, Pr 24:1–4

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Pray For Spiritual Insight

‘The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.’ Proverbs 20:5 NIV

The people who knew Simon knew he was impulsive and tended to put his foot in his mouth. But Jesus saw something else in him; that’s why He renamed him Peter, implying he was a stone suitable for a foundation.

Can’t you imagine the look on the other disciples’ faces when Jesus said, ‘You are Peter… upon this rock I will build My church, and… hell will not conquer it’? (Matthew 16:18 NLT) Yet Peter did indeed become a founding pillar and respected leader in the early church. And all because of Christ’s ability and willingness to look beyond the surface and see what was on the inside.

Being made in God’s likeness gives a person amazing potential, but sometimes it takes ‘a man of understanding’ to recognise it and draw it out. Too many of us see only what is on the surface. So we are quick to peg someone as arrogant, or quick-tempered, or weak, etc. But when you have spiritual insight, you see beyond all that, to the hopes and fears behind the person’s behaviour. We don’t need more self-appointed critics, we need:

(1) Parents who pray for their children, look beyond their flaws, and draw out their uniqueness.

(2) Spouses who search for the hidden treasure in their mates.

(3) Business leaders who treat their workers with respect, and match their responsibilities with their talents.

(4) Believers who forgive immature, stumbling fellow Christians and work to develop them.

(5) Soul winners who see lost people through the eyes of Jesus and recognise what His transforming power can do. So pray for spiritual insight.

SoulFood: Acts 14–15, Luke 8:1–15, Ps 133, Pr 16:2

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Spiritual Yet Still Carnal

‘Until Christ is formed in you.’ Galatians 4:19 NIV

When you become a Christian you discover that part of you wants to walk ‘in newness of life’ (Romans 6:4 KJV), while another part wants to walk ‘after the flesh.’ (Romans 8:5 KJV) And you would, if it weren’t for God’s Spirit who lives in your divided house and ‘convicts’ you when you do certain things, challenging you with God’s Word (see John 16:7–14). The truth is, your new heart is still living in your old body.

Some people expect that, when they first come to Christ, an instant and radical makeover will transform them. It’ll be like a grub-to-butterfly metamorphosis, so massive that a radiant holy self will fly up effortlessly, after struggling out of the cocoon of fleshly desires. So they try to punch the cocoon out of existence, believing that when it’s gone, they’ll be the kind of dazzling person God could really love.

But God’s love isn’t given out like that. God doesn’t want do-it-yourself righteousness. The Bible says, ‘He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.’ (Philippians 1:6 ESV)

Paul writes, ‘My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.’ God alone knows the process it will take for the Christ who saved you to be formed in you! We each travel our own paths at our own pace, but our goal is the same: to bear a greater likeness to our heavenly Father. And getting us there is God’s job—so let Him do it. Your job is to keep walking with Him day by day as He does it.

SoulFood: Ezek 14:1–16:52, Matt 21:33–46, Ps 103:1–12, Pro 19:12–16

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Meditate—percolate (5)

‘The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.’ Psalm 1 9:8 NKJV

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.’ (Psalm 19:7–8 NKJV)

More to be desired are they than gold… sweeter also than honey… by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.’ (Psalm 19:10–14 NKJV)

This prayer shows that the psalmist regarded meditation as an utter necessity to his spiritual life. And if that was true for him in his day, how much more vital is it for you today! You need to bathe your mind each day in the waters of God’s Word so that your words and thoughts are pleasing in His sight. Choose a time during your day, whether it’s the start of the day, at coffee break, during your lunchtime, coming home from work, or before falling asleep at night to reflect upon the truth of God’s Word. The greatest changes in your life will come through the process of meditating on the Scriptures—just letting the Word of God filter and percolate through your mind and into your life. First-class Bible reading calls not for snapshots but for timed exposures.

SoulFood: Lev 18-20, Matt 5:13-26, Ps 71:1-16, Pro 2:1-2

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

Have Confidence In Your Prayers

‘We are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him.’ 1 John 5:14 NLT

As a leader, Grover Cleveland, the only President of the United States to leave the White House and then return for a second term four years later, was remarkable. He would often personally answer the office phone in the White House, as well as opening the door for visitors himself. At the time, the people of America had a ‘direct line ‘to the President.

It’s like that in your relationship with God. But it’s much better. You not only have a ‘direct line’ to Heaven to get straight through to the ruler of the universe, but when God is your Father, you can call ‘home’ anytime. He is never more than a prayer away!

Jesus said: ‘Ask, and God will give to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open for you. Yes, everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And everyone who knocks will have the door opened. If your children ask for bread, which of you would give them a stone? Or if your children ask for a fish, would you give them a snake? Even though you are bad, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask Him!’ (Matthew 7:7–11 NCV)

We can talk to God without begging and grovelling, ‘confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And… He will give us what we ask for.’ (1 John 5:14–15 NLT) So, whatever is robbing you of your confidence in prayer, deal with it today.

SoulFood: Dan 11-12, Matt 5:1-5, Ps 144:9-15, Pro 10:22-23

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

Surrender to Papa God (2)

‘If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross.’ Matthew 16:24 CEV

Surrender is not the same thing as being passive. God’s will for your life involves exercising creativity, making choices, and taking initiative. Surrender does not mean being a doormat; it does not mean you accept circumstances with resigned patience. Often it means you will have to fight to challenge the status quo. It doesn’t mean that you stop using your mind, stop asking questions, or stop thinking critically. Surrender is not a crutch for weak people who cannot handle life.

Instead, surrender is the glad and voluntary acknowledgment that there is a God, and He is not you. His purposes are wiser and better than your desires. Jesus doesn’t come to rearrange the outside of your life the way you want; He comes to rearrange the inside of your life the way God wants. In surrender, you let go of your life. You recognise that you are no longer the centre of the universe, and you put God there. You yield to Him. You offer obedience. You do what He says.

Jesus was very clear on this point: ‘Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies [to self] it produces many seeds.’ (John 12:24 NIV) How do you live a productive and fruitful life? By dying to yourself daily.

DL Moody said the world has yet to see what God can do with one person who is totally surrendered to Him. Today, kneel and pray, ‘Lord, take me, shake me, break me, and make me what You want me to be.’ That’s a prayer He will answer.

SoulFood: Job 15–17, Luke 17:20–37, Ps 19, Pro 8:6–7

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

You are being pruned (2)

‘My suffering was good for me, …’ Psalm 11 9:71 NLT

God uses problems, pressures, and people to prune you for greater fruitfulness. Are you aware of Him using any of these three things in your life today? God can use all situations in your life to help you grow if you will just have the right attitude. He will use a major frustration, a financial setback, a sudden sickness, a broken marriage, a rebellious child, or even the death of a loved one to get your attention. You say, ‘But it hurts so much!’ Yes, pruning is painful. Sometimes a gardener will prune a tree until it looks like a totem pole or a giant toothpick. It’s not a pretty sight. But the pruning process is positive. God is not mad at you. ‘There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, …’ (Romans 8:1 NKJV). God does not punish His genuine children. Jesus took your punishment on the cross. God’s pruning is for your best, for more fruitfulness in your life. Can God’s pruning fail to produce? Sure, if you don’t cooperate. How does God produce ‘… love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.’ in your life? (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT). He produces these qualities by allowing you to face situations and people with exactly the opposite qualities. He teaches you to love by putting you around difficult people. He teaches you patience by letting things frustrate you. You say, ‘How can I cooperate with God?’ The Bible tells you: ‘Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT).

SoulFood: Num 34-36, Matt 13:1-9, Ps 138, Pro 4:14-17

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

Jesus wants to set you free

‘But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.”’ Luke 1 3:12 NKJV

The Bible says: ‘There was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity”’ (Luke 13:11-12 NKJV). Notice four things in this story: the person, the problem, the Great Physician, and the prescription. For every person, including you, there will be a problem. But more importantly, for every problem, including yours, the Great Physician has a prescription. Jesus’ opening statement to the problem in this woman’s life is not a recommendation for counselling; it’s a challenging command: ‘You are loosed!’ Christian counsellors are a gift from God, but often more is involved in maintaining deliverance than just discussing past trauma. Jesus didn’t counsel what should have been commanded. After you have analysed the condition and understood its origin, it will take the authority of God’s Word to put the past under your feet! This woman was suffering as the result of something that had attacked her eighteen years earlier, yet her trauma was as fresh that day as it was the day it occurred. But while her problem was rooted in the past, her prescription could only be found in the present word from God. Jesus, who is the Living Word, is ‘the same yesterday, today, and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV). That is to say, the word you are hearing today is able to heal your yesterday! Jesus said, ‘Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.’ Why didn’t Jesus call her by name? Because His promise applies to all of us.

SoulFood: Exo 20:14, Pro 6:23-35, Matt 5:27-30, 1 Cor 6:9-20

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

Standing on His promise

‘…He who comes to God must believe that…He is a rewarder…’ Hebrews 11:6 NAS

Christopher Pylant’s parents refused to believe there was no hope for their son who’d been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour. After studying the x–rays, neurosurgeon Ben Carson told them, ‘There’s no way I can encourage you.’ ‘The experts told us that in Georgia,’ the mother replied, ‘but God led us to Baltimore and said there’s a doctor here who can help him. We believe you’re that doctor.’ Carson replied, ‘I’ll do my best,’ praying for a miracle. When he operated, Christopher’s brain stem looked like it had been consumed by cancer, and without that there’s no real life. In the waiting room he told the Pylants, ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t help your son. We’ve all prayed but sometimes God works in ways we don’t understand.’ They never wavered, saying, ‘God’s going to heal our son. We’re standing on His promise.’ Carson admired their faith, but the evidence was irrefutable. For three days little Christopher was in a coma, but his eyes were focusing and his physical movements improved. Following another scan Carson re-operated, and after removing the cancerous mass in layers and cleaning out the crevices, there it was—a healthy brain stem, distorted, but intact! Taking their son home a month later, his parents and the doctor thanked God together for a miracle. ‘…He who comes to God must believe that… He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.’ The neurosurgeon said, ‘As they walked out of the hospital that day… glory shone on their faces, and I heard my mother telling me again, “If you ask God for something believing He’ll do it… He’ll do it.”’

SoulFood: Est 5–10, Matt 26:65–75, Ps 18:1–29, Pro 26:24–27

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Reaching into India

I am listening to ‘The Word for Today’ daily devotion from YouTube also watching The Television program ‘The Reality’ from YouTube.

Especially this daily devotion message really encourages us in our daily life to work with God. This daily devotion helps me to teach my youth to grow Spiritually.

Thank you, all the entire team, for this wonderful daily devotion to others’ content we are really blessed by this.

Mark Mukiya, India.

Pastor from Malango connects with UCB Solomon Islands

Connecting with people, Churches and Organisations is one of the great opportunities that we get with The Word for Today devotion, it allows people from all walks of life to connect with God. We received this encouraging testimony from Coxwain when he connected with a local Pastor…


This is an elderly pastor from Malango area in Guadalcanal whom I introduced UCBSI, it’s Vision, Mission & Strategy yesterday afternoon.
I took him to the studio to see for himself. He will introduce the Ministry, TWFT and Laef FM to his congregation this Sunday.

Kind regards,


Encouragement at a Time of Loss

TWFT Jan-Jun2022


We are 4 family members including me, my brother, sister, and brother.

My family and I got to know Jesus as a Savior because of my mother. That is why we are so happy to have the opportunity to know God when we are young. One day a very sad time came while we were constantly growing in the Lord and that time is the month of September 2019. My family and I were saddened by the loss of my mother. At the same time, we lost Baba in 8 months. Within a year of losing my parents, we were unable to cope, remembering the dire situation for me and my family. At the same time, my spiritual sister Sunita Mahat started sending daily word of worship today through messenger.

Then I began to listen to the daily worship from today’s Word  (The Word for Today) and began to be blessed day by day. This short and meaningful word of God’s encouragement and drawer closer to God helps me to fight the situation .

Finally, I would like to thank God again and Message of Hope Nepal .

Ashok, Dolakha District, Nepal

Seeing God’s Calling in our work


Here is a testimony from Lepani about seeing God’s calling in his work and how God opened the right doors for him to be connected with a local Church in the Solomon Islands.

Greetings in Jesus’ Name from the Hapi (Happy) Isles, Solomon Islands.

It is with great pleasure that I have been asked by National Leader for Christians for Israel Australia, Ian Worby to write this article.

As a former National Leader for Christian For Israel Fiji, I have now been here in the Solomon Islands for the last 3 years since 2020.
For those who have never heard of the Solomon Islands, it is a group of islands located in the South Pacific Ocean east of Papua New Guinea and northeast of Australia.

I came to the Solomon Islands for employment reasons which was my first work assignment outside of Fiji. Having visited the Solomon Islands for the first time for me was like God telling Abram, to leave his homeland and go to another land not knowing fully the reason why God had called him and the opportunities that await him. However, deep within my heart, I knew God was calling me to the Solomon Islands for His purpose and that is to equip the churches.

Before I left for the Solomons, I had been seeking the Lord to connect me to a local church that I could call my home church and after having attended two other churches, I finally came to the church which I am now attending called Bible Way Centre. Three things caught my attention when I first arrived at this church. Firstly, the structure was a simple open-leaf house building with no walls, hence, the phrase “the church with no walls” often being used to denote this church which to me was very humbling. Secondly, as I first entered this building, I was so overwhelmed by the greetings and reception by its members that immediately made me feel at home which reminds me of our local church back home in Fiji. I found a sense of family and belonging in this church and I felt connected right away. The third and final confirmation that caught my attention was the Israeli flag on the stage behind the pulpit.

Bible Way Centre always remember Israel in their prayers and during the three years with the church, we have incorporated bible teachings about God’s separate plans for the Church and Israel and we look forward to going a little deeper this year.

C4I newspapers continue to be circulated and recently we sent some to Malaita Province the feedback we received has been overwhelming and people there are demanding more newspapers and are also looking forward to Bible teachings on Israel to be held there one day.

Generally speaking, the Solomon Islands is a Christian nation and the people already understand the prominence of Israel in the Bible, however, there is a greater need for teaching and equipping the church leaders who in turn can teach others to have a proper biblical understanding of Gods separate plans for Israel and the Church, so we are hoping and praying to hold another C4I conference in the not too distant future.

As readers, we value your prayers as we trust the Lord to extend the Mission of the Christians For Israel movement here in the Solomon Islands.

We hope in the next article, we will be able to update you on further developments of the C4I ministry in the Solomon Islands.

Tangio Tumas (Thank you very much) for this opportunity and may God bless us all as we continue the ministry of C4I throughout the world and may God bless the Solomon Islands from shore to shore.

Lepani Makubuna

A Regular Listener of Radio Chimeki Butwal

The following testimony is from Anju in Butwal who is a regular listener to Radio Chimeki

I am Anju Thapa, from Butwal. I am one of the regular listeners of Radio Chimeki Butwal. I am very thankful to the organizing team for providing us with this Christian community radio program. This is the only radio station that provides faith-based programs in our community. My family and I have been blessed by all the programs broadcast by this FM. From the programs played here, I have gained a lot of enthusiasm to understand more about the Lord and move forward in my relationship with Him. There is a great need for these kinds of programs in our community, and I hope that we will have the opportunity to be blessed by listening to more programs in the future. We are constantly praying for this ministry.

Finding God

Nikolau from Maliana is one of the Radio Voz’ young listeners. Every night he listened to Radio Voz and consequently decided he wanted to learn more about God’s Word.

At the time of the JLND event he told me (Rio) of his eagerness of learning the Word of God. And now Ps. Samuel of the Nazarenu Church is following up with him.

Receiving a Bible and Healing

In July Radio Voz received a welcome visit from two listeners. Melly and Fina witnessed to how God changed their lives as they listened to Radio Voz. They have both just come to know and accept Jesus and their Lord and Saviour.  They came to thank the team because they got to know Jesus through listening to Radio Voz and because Radio Voz is the medium that accompanies their daily life.

Mrs. Melly also testified about the healing she was experiencing at this time. She could only clearly see about 1 metre so she wanted to have surgery on her eyes. She asked for prayer. Thanks to this prayer, her eyesight returned to normal. She was incredibly grateful

They also needed a Bible and by chance we had a Bible in Tetun we could give her.

They also bless Radio with the few blessings they have.

Obed from Oeccuse

Obed was an intern at Radio Voz in 2016. I remember well when the UCB team came to Dili in 2016 when Obed was practicing at our station. Before he started practicing at Radio Voz, apparently he was one of those people who took part in intimidation and throwing stones at the church in Oeccuse before 2016.
On January 28, 2023 he testified and admitted that he was involved in intimidation and throwing stones at the church. Since his apprenticeship completed at Radio Voz he has started to attend a church in Dili diligently and since returning to Oeccuse he finally joined the congregation at Visao Crista where he used to throw stones at.
Obed and his future wife are being discipled by Pastor Orasio of the Visao Crista Church in Oeccuse and together they monitor Voz Radio in Oeccuse.

Station Manager – Radio Voz

Inspiration For His Sermons

Seorang pastor bernama Elias dari Pulau Atauro merasa sangat diberkati oleh Renungan harian ini. Kata pastor bahwa buku ini membantu dia untuk dia bisa bagikan lagi ke jemaatnya melalui kotbahnya.

Speaking about Renungan Hari Ini

A priest named Elias from Atauro Island feels very blessed by this daily Reflection.  The pastor said that this book helped him to be able to share it again with his congregation through his sermons.


Where is Atauro Island?

Just off the coast of Dili, the capital of Time-Leste.

Renungan Hari Ini for Perisos staff


In February we distributed the devotional book the Renungan Hari Ini. I brought 2 boxes to Gipora who is a staff at the Perisos company and he distributed them to his friends. And Gipora himself received a blessing through the book Reflection of the Day. Together with Gipora, he invites his friends to read this daily devotional before they work. Gipora said they enjoyed reading this. Rio Station Manager – Radio Voz Timor-Leste