The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule says that you can do 80% of the work in 20% of the time. The same is true when it comes to fundraising and your donors. Fundraising isn’t an exact science but… 80% of your donors will contribute 20% of your income Another 15% of your donors...

Vision, Mission and Your team

The 2021 Australian National Church Life Survey asked church attenders whether their church had a clear vision, goals or direction for its ministry and mission, and if they were committed to that vision. 68% of church attenders said they are aware of their local...

Make Friends

Want to successfully raise funds for your ministry?  Then look after your people! ‘Funds come from friends” is a phrase we picked up a long time ago from Bob Gass (author of The Word for Today) and there is a lot of truth to this. Friendship is built over...

Do the best you can with what you have

As a leader you’re always under pressure. Meeting the budget Keeping your ministry going forward Looking after your team Meeting Board and legal requirements Growing your ministry And then there is you own Spiritual and family life. The Good News is: God is with...

Why People Don’t Support Your Organisation

by Jeff Brooks – Future Fundraising Now This might seem obvious, but so much fundraising just misses the point: people donate to nonprofits to help people. They don’t donate to support nonprofits. Fundraising that misses that point is not effective. That’s the...
Change it up for the New Year

Change it up for the New Year

On a scale of 1 – 10 where 1 is “Terrible” and 10 is “100% Successful” where would you rate your ministry’s fundraising efforts in 2022? This is actually a good question to talk about with your leadership team.  Because, unless you gave yourself a 9 or 10, then you...