Demonstrate Generosity

Demonstrate Generosity

Did you know that one way your radio ministry can raise funds, is by being generous! Now that doesn’t make sense… or does it? Let me explain how you can demonstrate generosity like this… Vision Christian Radio runs two on air fundraisers for its own ministry each...

Sharpening Your Axe

Have you heard the story about the young man who joined a tree-felling gang? It goes like this…   The new guy is a hard worker and on the first day he felled 28 trees, 5 more than anyone else.  The next day he worked even harder but only managed to fell 25 trees. And...

Changes in Africa – Brenda Uwubuntu

Watch this great video from Brenda Uwubuntu that was recently shown at the CMAA Conference 2022 – Truth Goodness Beauty. Brenda shares about the change that she is seeing in Africa’s Media ministries and supporters as well as some amazing things that God...

To Get Better at What You Do…

Invest your time wisely. When it comes to the way we eat, we don’t sit down on the first day of the month and eat the entire month’s food in one sitting.  No, we have a little bite often – usually 3 meals a day with an extra coffee or two and perhaps a snack thrown...
Are you ready for the new year?

Are you ready for the new year?

There is only one person who can make (or break) this year for you – that’s YOU! What is your fundraising strategy? If you are happy with the amount of donations your ministry is receiving then, great – keep doing what you’re doing. But if not, then perhaps...