There is only one person who can make (or break) this year for you – that’s YOU!
What is your fundraising strategy?
If you are happy with the amount of donations your ministry is receiving then, great – keep doing what you’re doing. But if not, then perhaps something needs to change, and now is a good time to start the change!
Here are some thought starters for you…
Heard of that one? It stands for Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
It’s in the same vein as “Failing to plan is planning to fail”
So if you haven’t already sorted your fundraising calendar for this year, Here’s a little video to help you plan when to send out your appeals. In this video Steven from gives you a strategy for planning your annual calendar to help you bring in more donations.
He’s talking mail appeals, but hey, you can adapt it for radio. instead of mailing, you might like to put a regular weekly 10 minute slot on your station where the manager/CEO/Board member shares something fundraising focused and inspirational (and planned).
Same old same old
Repetition might be boring to you but it is a necessary part of any fundraising. That’s why I keep saying things like “tell your listeners you are a listener supported station”. Think you can say that once and everyone will get it? Nope! Tell them, tell them, then tell them again – and maybe they will get it, but chances are you will need to tell them a few more times.
Here’s an interesting article with more.
So do your PP to PPP.