
To be successful simply…

Do the best you can – with what you’ve got

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Its actually an Offer!

In an earlier post I said that when it comes to fundraising… You gotta Ask!

And that it is a 3-step process.

  1. Ask
  2. Thank
  3. Report

I then said that Asking shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable because…

  1. You are only inviting people to do something you already do yourself.
  2. It is all about ministry – God’s ministry.
  3. You’re inviting them to be part of something exciting.

But what if we changed to word “Ask” into “Offer”. Because your message is really an offer to a person to make something they care about, happen.

Leadership expert Seth Godin said:

“… the best asks are actually offers. When we offer to help someone get to where they were going, we’re approaching the relationship with generosity, not selfishness.”

Good advice!

Oh, and the subject line of this email? – It’s a quote from Philemon 1:6 NIV

Remember: Plan the Work… Work the Plan.

How to Plan a Nonprofit Fundraising Event – pdf

This guide is designed to keep your team aligned, help you stay on budget, and save you lots of time. So take a deep breath, enjoy the read, and consider implementing these best practices and simple tech tools that will help you stress less and raise more money at your next event.

33 Pages, PDF format

Record Your Donor Details

Here is a simple Excel spreadsheet for recording your donor details.


Read a little more on CRM systems.

You gotta Ask!

Ok, that’s out in the open. 😊 If you want to get donations for your ministry, you have to ask. I’ll come back to this in just a mo, but first it is important to remember that the Ask is only Step 1 in a 3-step process. Step 1 – Ask Step 2 – Thank Step 3 – Report You...

Thank you – two small words with huge impact.

In a recent email Tom Ahern referred to Thanking Donors as the “Secret Sauce” for your fundraising efforts.  He went on to talk about the importance of thanking sincerely and thanking fast. In fact there is evidence that if you personally thank a first time donor...

Adding Drama to your Stories

I recently read an email talking about the need for fundraisers to have a ‘flair for drama’ in their story telling. It is true: “I was struggling and now God has blessed me” is not an exciting and impactful story. You need to apply good writing (or interviewing)...


Before you get to enjoy your harvest of fruit and vegetables you first prepare the soil, then you plant seeds. But that’s not all, you have to make sure you tend and water often, otherwise the young plants will wither and die. If you want to harvest fruit and...

The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule says that you can do 80% of the work in 20% of the time. The same is true when it comes to fundraising and your donors. Fundraising isn't an exact science but... 80% of your donors will contribute 20% of your income Another 15% of your donors will...

Vision, Mission and Your team

The 2021 Australian National Church Life Survey asked church attenders whether their church had a clear vision, goals or direction for its ministry and mission, and if they were committed to that vision. 68% of church attenders said they are aware of their local...

Make Friends

Want to successfully raise funds for your ministry?  Then look after your people! 'Funds come from friends" is a phrase we picked up a long time ago from Bob Gass (author of The Word for Today) and there is a lot of truth to this. Friendship is built over time, and...

Do the best you can with what you have

As a leader you're always under pressure. Meeting the budget Keeping your ministry going forward Looking after your team Meeting Board and legal requirements Growing your ministry And then there is you own Spiritual and family life. The Good News is: God is with you!...

Why People Don’t Support Your Organisation

by Jeff Brooks - Future Fundraising Now This might seem obvious, but so much fundraising just misses the point: people donate to nonprofits to help people. They don’t donate to support nonprofits. Fundraising that misses that point is not effective. That’s the point...

Recommended Websites

There are a number of websites available with great ideas to help you with all aspects of your fundraising. Here are a few we have found useful.

Future Fundraising Now

A huge resource library of valuable tips are available here.  I highly recommend you sign up for the daily emails as they are short and cover one simple subject.

Non Profit Story Telling

Don’t be confused by the title (or the website) this is a lot more than just a conference.  There is a wealth of information on this site, mostly in the form of short videos, about how to ‘tell stories’. Because telling stories is a key to successful fundraising.

Again they offer a free subscription to a weekly email.


Have You Read Your Bible Today?

‘From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith.’ 2 Timothy 3:15 NKJV

People are afraid of the Bible for any number of reasons. For some, it’s such a big book that it scares them, and they don’t know where to start. Others think because it’s such an ancient book, covering such a long historical time period, and includes so many themes, that they could never figure it out. So let’s try to simplify it. Think of the Bible as a library that includes 66 books of widely varying length. Those books were written over a period of 1500 years, by more than 40 people from all kinds of cultural and educational backgrounds. It’s extraordinarily unique and consistent in that the words of each book were ‘given by inspiration’, or literally ‘breathed out’ by God. (2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV)

Taken together, the books of the Bible tell the story of God’s amazing love for us, reaching a climax at the cross. As Paul wrote to Timothy: ‘You must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.’ (2 Timothy 3:14–15 NKJV)

The Bible is principally the story of God’s love for you. So every time you read it, allow it to unfold in your heart as a love letter written to you by God. As you read and meditate on it your fears and worries will be resolved, your questions will be answered, and you’ll find strength and guidance for daily living.

SoulFood: Gen 47–49, Matt 21:33–46, Ps 112, Pr 7:6–9

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

How to Turn Your Life Around

‘Let me…glean…after him in whose sight I may find favour…’ Ruth 2:2 NKJV

Ruth turned her life around when she was bereaved, broke and barren. How? First: By choosing the right mentor. She told Naomi, ‘…wherever you go, I will go…’ (Ruth 1:16 NKJV) The fact that Naomi was a Jew and Ruth a Gentile, or that Ruth was young and Naomi was older, didn’t put Ruth off one bit. Doubtless, there were times they didn’t see eye-to-eye or relate to each other at all. But when God wants to stretch you He will put somebody into your life with different experiences and insights. Naomi was Ruth’s eyes and ears in a world she didn’t know; she was her tutor and guide in getting Ruth to her destiny. God is raising up leaders with solutions for today’s problems. If you hope to be called for duty, recognise the people He sends to prepare you. Whether they come to cheer, comfort, counsel or correct you, remember the words of Jesus, ‘…he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.’ (John 13:20 NKJV) Second: By getting into the right field. Ruth said, ‘Let me… glean… after him in whose sight I may find favour.’ Things were bad in Moab but good in Bethlehem. So Ruth left the comfort of the familiar, stepped out in faith, and not only ended up surviving, but thriving. In the end she married Boaz, the owner of the field, and went on to become part of the family of King David and our Lord Jesus Christ. How’s that for a turnaround? God’s plan for your future involves connecting with the right people, and being in the right field. So ask Him to guide you.

SoulFood: Neh 1–4, John 19:17–30, Ps 105:16–22, Pro 30:10–14

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Making Jesus Look Good, On The Job

‘You are the salt…You are the light.’ Matthew 5:13–14 NKJV

Do the people you work with know that you are a follower of Christ? What do they think of your attitude towards those in authority? How about the people who work under you—are you critical or complimentary towards them? How is your timekeeping? Do you arrive to work on time and give 100%? Do you show a commitment to personal growth and excellence on the job? In other words, on the job, are you making Jesus look good?

When you begin to think seriously about it, the eternal destiny of some of the people you work with may be riding on your performance. Right now, they may not be too interested in what you have to say when it comes to the things of God. But all of that can change in an instant. When people face a crisis in life like death, divorce, sickness, or unemployment, they want someone with real answers. That’s when they seek out the boys they threw into the fiery furnace and the lions’ den, because nobody else around them has answers that work.

Jesus said: ‘You are the earth’s salt. But if the salt should become tasteless, what can make it salt again? It is completely useless and can only be thrown out… and stamped under foot. You are the world’s light—it is impossible to hide a town built on the top of a hill. Men do not light a lamp and put it under a bucket. They put it on a lamp-stand and it gives light for everybody… Let your light shine like that in the sight of men. Let them see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven.’ (Matthew 5:13–16 PHPS)

SoulFood: Gen 47-49, Luke 9:46-56, Ps 145:14-21, Pro 4:23-24

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

Christmas is about—Christ

‘They saw the young child with Mary His mother and fell down, and worshipped Him.’ Matthew 2:11 KJV

He was born in the humblest of settings, yet Heaven above was filled with the songs of angels. His birthplace was a cattle shed, yet a star brought the rich and noble from thousands of kilometres away to worship Him. His birth was contrary to the laws of life and His death was contrary to the laws of death, yet no miracle is greater than His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection and His teachings. He had no wheat fields or fisheries, yet He spread a table for 5,000 and had bread and fish to spare. He never stood on expensive carpeting, yet He walked on the waters and they supported Him. His crucifixion was the crime of crimes, yet from God’s perspective no less a price could have made possible our redemption. When He died, few mourned His passing, yet God hung a black cape over the sun. Those who crucified Him did not tremble at what they’d done, yet the earth shook under them.

Sin never touched Him. Corruption could not get hold of His body. The soil that was reddened with His blood could not claim His dust. For over three years He preached the Gospel. He wrote no book, He had no headquarters and He built no organisation. Yet 2,000 years later He’s the central figure of human history, the perpetual theme of all preaching, the pivot around which the ages revolve, and the only redeemer of the human race. At this season of celebration and gift-giving, let’s join the wise men who ‘fell down and worshipped Him.’ Let’s remember, Christmas is about—Christ!

SoulFood: Isa 9:1–7, Matt 1:18–25, Mic 5:2–5a, Isa 7:14

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Try a power nap

‘When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.’ Proverbs  3:24 NIV

God built specific triggers into our bodies to let us know when it’s time to escape consciousness. And wise people listen to these clues. History’s most notable power nappers include Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Winston Churchill. There is a reason why your eyelids start to droop around 2:00 p.m. The levator muscles, which constantly contract to keep your eyelids open, give out and beg for a break. And a chemical called adenosine, which collects in your brain when you’re awake, piles up and makes you feel drowsy. Consequently, your body yearns for sleep to allow the adenosine to disperse, resulting in instant relief.

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine confirms that people who nap for at least 30 minutes daily, three times weekly, are one-third less likely to die from heart disease. And additional research suggests that taking a nap can improve creativity and memory. Cognitive neuroscientist William Fishbein says that often during a brief nap, our brains actually keep working to resolve problems and form new ideas. That helps explain why Mozart professed to have composed music in his dreams. Studies also show that a little extra sleep can assist with weight control – which means you can lose as you snooze! Ghrelin, a hormone produced in our intestines, tells us we’re hungry and triggers cravings for sweets, salty foods, and starches – all the bad stuff! However, when we sleep more, our colon stores less ghrelin and our craving for junk food diminish.

In Scripture, Jesus not only took frequent rest breaks himself; He encouraged His disciples to follow suit. So, try a power nap.

SoulFood: Jer 33:1 – 36:26, Mark 1:35-39, Ps 32, Pro 9:10-16

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

Give God the first moments of your day

‘Early will I seek You.’ Psalm 63:1 NKJV

What are the first moments of your day like? Do you turn grab your phone, or rush into the bathroom, or allow your ‘to do’ list to come rushing in? Instead, try lying there quietly and allowing God to speak to you. With your mind clear and your heart open, He will give you insights, ideas, solutions to problems, and the knowledge that He will be with you today.

Author Colleen Townsend Evans writes: ‘Silence need not be awkward or embarrassing, for to be with one you love without the need for words is a beautiful and satisfying form of communication. I remember times when our children used to come running to me, all of them clattering at once about the events of their day—it was wonderful to have them share their feelings with me. But there were also times when they came to me wanting only to be held, to have me stroke their heads and caress them into sleep. And so it is, sometimes, with us and God our Father. At times your most powerful prayers will be thoughts rather than words. Your words are limited by your vocabulary, but your thought life is an arena of infinite capacity in which God can give you life-changing concepts.’

Paul writes, ‘We have the mind of Christ.’ (1 Corinthians 2:16 NIV) So be still and let Him think His thoughts through you. John writes, ‘You have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.’ (1 John 2:20 NKJV) God can cause you to ‘know’ what you need to do, so give Him the first moments of your day.

SoulFood: Rev 15–18, Mark 14:12–26, Ps 124, Pr 12:26

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

It’s Not Too Late (2)

‘Your old men will dream dreams.’ Joel 2:28 NLT

World champion boxer George Foreman was raised in a Christian home, and eventually he came back to his roots—but not before he tried the world of gangs, drugs and violence. Recognising not only his physical prowess, but also his potential, a friend suggested he join a local gym to work out his aggression in a more constructive way. That led to his becoming a world heavyweight champion boxer, and making millions of dollars. But the career of a world champion boxer is relatively short, and eventually Foreman, aging and overweight, reached the place where the only fights he could get paid just a few thousand dollars. He desperately needed to lose weight and get back in shape.

A friend introduced him to a healthy diet, and part of his new eating regimen involved using a little grill. One day Foreman’s wife suggested that instead of simply using the grill for himself, he should put his name on it and others would buy it. And they did! Over 100 million George Foreman grills have been sold, and people are still buying them. Think about it. George Foreman made more money with his little grill than he made as a prize-fighter. The Bible says that when the Holy Spirit empowers them ‘your old men will dream dreams.’

So regardless of your age, it’s not too late for you. Just get down on your knees today and pray, ‘Lord, all that I have and all that I am, I give fully to You. Use me as You see fit.’ And when He answers, be prepared for Him to take you in a whole new direction.

SoulFood: Jer 49–50, Luke 5:27–39, Ps 122, Pr 15:10–14

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

How’s Your Relationship with God? (3)

‘…I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.’ John 5:30 NKJV

The third thing that describes Christ’s relationship with His Father is obedience. Jesus said: ‘As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.’ Jesus neither considered nor consulted His own will in the matter. Instead He focused like a laser on one thing—doing the will of God, no more and no less. Note the words, ‘As I hear.’ When you have heard from God the discussion is over; it’s time to act. God’s not going to change His mind, so you need to start changing yours and ‘get with the programme.’

When you make Jesus the Lord of your life, you give up three basic rights: (a) What it will cost you; (b) Where it will take you; (c) The extent to which it will change you. In order to enjoy a relationship with Jesus similar to the one which He had with His Father, that’s the price tag! You say, ‘That sounds very demanding.’ Yes, but it’s also very protective. When God told His people to do something, He also told them why: ‘…that it might go well with you…’ (Deuteronomy 5:33, 6:3, 12:28) God’s not trying to cramp your style, make your life hard or put you in a straitjacket. He’s a Father who wants only the best for His children. Isn’t that what every good parent wants? So when you walk in obedience, God’s best is what you will get.

SoulFood: 3 John, Jude, John 15:5–17, Ps 14, Pro 28:13–16

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Try To Make Restitution

‘If I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’ Luke 19:8 NIV

If you’ve cheated someone, God expects you to pay them back. Don’t bury it in the backyard and try to save face. Zacchaeus was a first-century con artist who worked for the Romans collecting taxes from his own people, the Jews. He robbed everything that walked. The Bible says he was rich (Luke 19:2). Filthy rich!

But after spending a night with Jesus, he was radically changed. How do we know this? Because he said: ‘Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’ Jesus taught, ‘Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.’ (Matthew 3:8 NIV) But sometimes it’s not possible to make amends to the person you’ve hurt. What if they’re dead? What if you had an affair with someone else’s spouse? Should you go back and tell their husband or wife about it so you can feel less guilty? No, you’d break their heart and maybe destroy their home.

So what should you do? Pray and receive God’s forgiveness (see 1 John 1:7–9). And if you still feel troubled about it, talk to your pastor, or a Christian counsellor, or a mature friend who can handle it. James writes, ‘Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.’ (James 5:16 NIV)

The point is, you must be willing to make amends when it’s possible, and willing to incur the cost to make things right. If you do that, God will bless you and you can live with a clear conscience concerning it.

SoulFood: 1 Kings 3:4–28, James 1:2–8

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Your Forgiveness Is Guaranteed

‘If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins.’ 1 John 1:9 AMPC

In spite of our best intentions and efforts, we all ‘fall short’ of God’s requirements (see Romans 3:23). So what’s the answer? ‘If we say we have no sin [refusing to admit that we are sinners], we delude and lead ourselves astray, and the Truth [which the Gospel presents] is not in us [does not dwell in our hearts]. If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].’ (1 John 1:8–9 AMPC)

When it comes to God’s forgiveness, knowing is better than feeling. Here’s how God’s forgiveness works: consciousness of sin leads to conviction of sin, and conviction of sin leads to confession of sin, and confession of sin leads to cleansing of sin, and cleansing of sin leads to confidence before God (see 1 John 3:21–22).

You say, ‘I don’t feel worthy of God’s forgiveness.’ You will never be worthy of it! God’s forgiveness is not based on your worthiness, but on Christ’s! Furthermore, God doesn’t insist you squirm and be miserable for a few days so that you will ‘learn your lesson’ before He forgives you. That would mean you play a part in earning His forgiveness. No, it’s by grace, and grace alone (see Ephesians 2:8–9).

‘Grace’ means ‘undeserved favour’. So when God forgives you, honour Him by forgiving yourself and moving on.

SoulFood: 2 Kings 6:8–20, Eph 1:15–23

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

Pastor Assumtha Pengeningi from Holik Village

Pastor Assumtha Pengeningi is Pastoring the Holik AOG Church in Yangoru, East Sepik Province. The Word for Today edition has made a big impact in her personal life as well as in the church congregation. She had never in her life come across this devotion until this edition. ‘Wow” she was in tears to hear the Author, Bob Gas had gone to be with the Lord. Pastor Assumtha asked, who will continue to write the devotion? We told her the Wife, Debby will. She could only say….the Writer Foresee the future, past, present and wrote this book. She was inspired by the 9th August 2022 (Have you caught any fish?) John 21:15

She got her women leaders with cash and kind to partner with Laif Fm and share all the excitements she discovered by reading. When you are sick, you need to go the hospital, but when you are Spiritual sick, you need the word of God…and it is all found in this little booklet called the Word for today.

Fiji’s cyclone affected areas

Families in Vanua Levu had received their copies of The Word for Today.

The booklet was distributed with food rations with the help of one of UCB Fiji’s Committee members, Amani Waqetia. Amani heads up the response effort of OLA FOU Fiji in Vanua Levu. The families who received them were very appreciative especially after being devastated by the Category 5 cyclone leaving many of them without food and shelter. In the midst of such a devastating experience, their hope lies not only in the relief items but more-so with God and the encouragement that comes with the stories of hope in The Word for Today.

More than 100 copies of the  were distributed to Cyclone and flood affected areas of Vanua Levu.

Friends, who were recipients of the The Word for Today in Vanua Levu, said that the booklet has given them a sense of hope and courage reading God’s Word in the most difficult time of their life after the hardship faced and the devastation cost by TC Yasa where they seem to have lost everything.

A visitor from Baucau

A listener and my friend CIMA Kaiwa from Baucau visited Dili for a week.

I (Rio) offered her to listen to Radio Voz. After hearing Radio Voz on the Program Voz Christa and she felt very blessed and she requested to meet with the purpose of hearing the Word of God and to be prayed for.

In the text message sent, she felt blessed and she wanted to keep listening to Radio Voz. After we prayed for a few days, later she returned to Baucau. I advised her to attend a church service at the IEVCTL church in Baucau city.  Let us pray for her seriousness to know the truth of God’s Word.

Timor Leste

God is in Control

Sofiana and Rio

Sofiana was in a state of confusion because of a problem. She found herself with opposition from her family because she chose to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

I (Rio) shared God’s Word with her and I said that all the problems faced were already under God’s control and just believe in God and God will act. After I shared with her then she read The Word for Today and she found the words that strengthened her the same as what I shared with her before which is GOD IS IN CONTROL and she is very blessed.

Sofiana is a loyal friend who helps Radio Voz in translating The Word for Today.

Struggles with my past lead me back to God


This testimony from our team in Nepal shares a powerful testimony from Sapana and how when she started struggling with her past, she found encouragement in The Word for Today devotion when she read the story of Noah and was greatly encouraged that God would not let us go through the same situations again, that encouraged her.

May you also be encouraged to share The Word for Today in the different places where you may meet with people, we all need encouragement in our daily lives and this devotion has a whole year’s supply in one book!




Ramesh from Jhapa

Praise the Lord!

My name is Ramesh and I’m from Jhapa (Eastern part of Nepal). Currently, I am working in Malaysia. I am so grateful for
The Word for Today, we are so blessed to hear this audio and sharing with my friends also. I am very much thankful to the
Lord and Message of Hope Nepal’s ministry, I pray that may God gives you heavenly blessings to you all.

Thank you.


The Word for Today has been a source of blessing to my family and I. A lot of my members are young people from various backgrounds and whilst we have material for teaching, the daily word has indeed helped in disciplining them to spend time in the word, study and mediate.. hence Thank you.

I am willing to sow into the work so please do let me me know how.

Gods blessings,
Ps Santos

Encouragement at a Time of Loss

TWFT Jan-Jun2022


We are 4 family members including me, my brother, sister, and brother.

My family and I got to know Jesus as a Savior because of my mother. That is why we are so happy to have the opportunity to know God when we are young. One day a very sad time came while we were constantly growing in the Lord and that time is the month of September 2019. My family and I were saddened by the loss of my mother. At the same time, we lost Baba in 8 months. Within a year of losing my parents, we were unable to cope, remembering the dire situation for me and my family. At the same time, my spiritual sister Sunita Mahat started sending daily word of worship today through messenger.

Then I began to listen to the daily worship from today’s Word  (The Word for Today) and began to be blessed day by day. This short and meaningful word of God’s encouragement and drawer closer to God helps me to fight the situation .

Finally, I would like to thank God again and Message of Hope Nepal .

Ashok, Dolakha District, Nepal

The Word for Today

I bought the books and distributed them to other leaders with the hope that they read God’s Word daily. Many of them found the book very helpful and you know, many people have various issues faced in life. This book touches many different areas of life which I am thankful to the Lord for!

Loretta, Solomon Islands